Chapter 2154 Seven Leafhopper

At the beginning of the cloud, there was a pass, and the goods were not far-fetched, and the possibility of thinking was all said. In short, it was an end, and it was resolutely mixed up.

The reason why Yunchu’s first thing is to confuse this thing is to revenge Zhu Jinghu and to have her own little ninety-nine.

Although the elders asked her to come to learn alchemy, it still seems hesitant to leave her in the East, so she is ready to pull the ink into the water.

If she proposes to apply for a higher education institution or a big sect, the elders can say that other people in the big house may not agree, but if they are accompanied by Mo Fangbing, the chance of consent will increase greatly.

Moreover, this cargo has too many enemies, how to draw a few alliances. Mo Fangbing has a special identity and is suitable for being an ally.

The elders listened to the words of the beginning of the cloud, and did not speak for a long time. He lived so old, and naturally can distinguish what is said to be realistic and what is exaggerated.

However, I have to admit that this little girl is far more visionary than he is!

Although Zhu Jinghu is the nephew of the second-class family, but arrogant and arrogant, it is a matter of life, and sooner or later will cause disaster. This marriage will not only bring benefits to the Mohist family, but may also cause disaster.

The seven-leaf hollow grass can not be sacrificed. Otherwise, the Zhu family must think that the Mohist family did not say it before, that is, it is intended to be used for exchange of benefits, not only will not be grateful to the Mohist, but also will be born with a gap.

As for what Yunfu said, and what Mrs. Zhu’s life is like, the elders will not be in the heart, knowing that it’s all the nonsense in the clouds.

The elders sighed: "It's a pity! It's a pity! If you are a boy, it's so good! It's snowy and clever! It's too much stronger than your grandfather! That dull fool, I can't wait to ask for the seven leaves yesterday. Take out the hollow grass, hey!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled twice: "The old grandfather, the grandfather is the fan of the authorities, I am a bystander, what are you going to do?"

"You can talk! This thing can't be promised naturally, but how can this thing be solved satisfactorily? The seven-leaf hollow grass thing, as far as I know, should be your uncle, Yonghui, said that he missed his mouth, and then Zhu told Pan's."

The elders stared at the beginning of the cloud, and the reason why he did not reply to Pan’s reply was that he did not think of an excuse for not blaming Zhu’s family and for rejecting things.

"Grandpa, Pan is taking a marriage as a bargaining chip, so as long as you don't hand over the seven-leaf hollow grass, this marriage will naturally be done."

As for the seven-leaf hollow grass, it is easy to do. A few days ago, when I was reading here, I wrote in a book that the seven-leaf hollow grass and the seven-leaf clover are very similar, but from the outside Almost no difference can be seen.

Only when the leaves are smashed down are there subtle differences. The juice in the leaves of the seven-leaf hollow grass is thicker, while the juice in the leaves of the seven-leaf clover is similar to clear water, and has a light fruity flavor.

You can completely tell Pan, the original seven-leaf hollow grass in the hand, and intends to dedicate to Zhu, but later found that it is only the seven-leaf scorpion, so it was not dedicated to Zhu.

The key to this matter is that you must get a seven-leaf clover as soon as possible, and you can't be found by Zhu, otherwise you will be self-defeating. "The cloud said at the beginning of the smile."

(End of this chapter)

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