Chapter 2157 Saving the Lost Lamb

Mo Fangjiao hesitated, but still said: "In any case, Jinghu brother will not lie to me, he will be jealous of me. He and I are very determined, he will not swear by the ice."

"Fang Jiao sister, I don't have to say anything else. You also know that Zhu Jinghu and I have had a bad time. I have to say a lot. Maybe you think I am falling into him.

In this way, I estimate that he will come to you tomorrow, and then he will find a chance to tell you that his mother does not agree with you. Now there is only one way to achieve the goal, that is, you should first make raw rice for cooking, then he will Mother can only agree. What will you do when you get there? "The beginning of the cloud, staring at Mo Fangjiao."

Mo Fangjiao showed a panic on his face: "I, I naturally will not agree, how can I not be married, can be like that."

"Fang Jiao sister, although your mouth is hard, but I think you will still be convinced by his rhetoric. So, in order to let you see his true face, how do we play a show?"

"What, what?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I lowered my voice and said a few words. Mo Fangjiao’s face was blushing, and he was ashamed and annoyed: “This is too much! Besides, Jinghu’s brother will not be like you said.”

"Fang Jiao sister, anyway, you don't take anything, just to see if he really wants to marry you. This is a big event for a lifetime. If he is really bad, you don't want to take a bucket of water. Zhujia is no better, if you marry as a dim room, it is a big fire pit."

Mo Fangjiao hesitated with a bite on his lips, and finally slammed his feet: "Well, listen to you!"

Although her mind is simple, she is not stupid enough to feel that Zhu Jinghu is a good way to do it. Even if she is pampered, she is a slave. She can’t lift her head for a lifetime.

The two men discussed it a bit, and the cloud was first smashed.

Mo Fangjiao did not sleep well for a night, and for a while felt that the beginning of the cloud was justified, and later I felt that Zhu Jinghu would not lie to her.

She does not like Zhu Jinghu much. She likes the identity of Zhu Jiazi. If she can only do squatting, then it is better to find a room to be the right room, at least her own child can look up later.

The next morning, Zhu Jinghu sent someone to send a letter to Mo Fangjiao, about to meet her at the tea house yesterday.

Mo Fangjiao dressed up a lot, and sent a maid to Yunchu to send a letter, and then went to the tea house and Zhu Jinghu to meet.

When Zhu Jinghu was waiting for the imperfection of the tea house, he saw that Mo Fangjiao had arrived, and the eyes flashed a bit of sinister color.

Yesterday, Mo Yan had already told Pan’s seven-leaf hollow grass and seven-leaf clover, and that the seven-leaf clover and the Pharmacopoeia had Pan’s eyes.

Pan did not doubt anything. She felt that the Mohist family would refuse such a good thing unless she had a bag in her head. She immediately gave a speech, but Mrs. Tian and Mr. Zhu had to retain it. She promised to stay for another two days because of her face.

Mrs. Tian and Mrs. Zhu’s retention are naturally purposeful, that is, they want to promote the marriage of Zhu Jinghu and Mo Fangbing. However, Pan has no such plan. Since the Mohist family does not have the seven-leaf hollow grass, it is better to ask the son to find a better family girl to continue the string, so that the future will also help the eldest son.

Zhu Jinghu heard that he didn't need to sip the ink, and he was very happy. He planned to put the ink on the bed today and then smashed it into the chamber.

"Fang Jiao sister, you are really radiant today, my brother can not move your eyes." Zhu Jinghu praised.

(End of this chapter)

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