Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2158: Sure enough, she said the same

Chapter 2158 is exactly the same as she said.

Mo Fangjiao's face is blushing, and I feel that the beginning of the cloud is an alarmist. Jinghu’s brother is sincerely aware of her.

The two sat down and drank for a while, Zhu Jinghu sighed and said: "Fang Jiao sister, you also know that my mother wants me to marry my sister, but I like you! I told my mother yesterday. However, her old man said that she did not agree with anything. It was really mad at me!"

In the heart of Mo Fang Jiao is a sinking, even the same as Mo Fangcao said, is he really that kind of plan?

Mo Fangjiao squeezed a smile: "Jinghu brother, then, what do you say? Or else we will forget it, there is no way to have no points."

Zhu Jinghu’s face showed a painful look: “Fang Jiao, how can you say that? Do you know how painful your brother’s heart is? I only want you to be jealous!”

Mo Fangjiao is very moved, feels that he is a gentleman's heart, and is trying to comfort Zhu Jinghu a few words, he heard Zhu Jinghu said: "Fang Jiao sister, we only have one way to make my mother Agree, that is to cook raw rice, when I agree, I have to agree, and I agree to agree."

The hands inside the ink sleeves of Mo Fangjiao are tightly tied together. Even so, exactly the same as Mo Fangcao said, is he really planning to take advantage of it and then force himself to be embarrassed?

Zhu Jinghu saw that Mo Fangjiao didn't talk, but there was no fierce reaction. He felt that there was a door to the matter. He said, "Fangjiao sister, you can rest assured that my Zhu Jinghu is definitely not the person who abandoned the abandonment, as long as you become My person, I will definitely be the media, my Zhu Jinghu's wife can only be you."

Mo Fangjiao remembered the hustle and bustle of the cloud, but he kept his head down and did not speak.

Zhu Jinghu couldn't help but be overjoyed. He whispered: "Fang Jiao sister, I will leave the next morning, maybe tomorrow will set the marriage, so we have to hurry, there is an inn not far from here, we are not as good as ?"

There is still a trace of luck in Mofang's heart, so he did not go away and whispered: "I, I will go to book a room first, then I will tell you which room, you, you will pass."

After Mo Fangjiao finished, he walked down his head and hurried away, a look of shyness.

Zhu Jinghu can't help himself. Although this Mo Fangjiao looks beautiful, his mind is really simple. It is so easy to get started. Even if he is a squatting room, it is easy to get rid of his hand.

Mo Fang Jiao out of the tea house, it is simply a mess, although she thinks that Yunchu said that it is likely to be the final result, but still want to verify.

Xia Lian sneaked into the ear of Mo Fangjiao and said softly: "Miss, just now Chun Xiaosai gave the slave a note."

Mo Fangjiao took the note and saw that it read: "Wangjia Inn, the third floor of the Tianzi Room."

Mo Fangjia took a deep breath and took Xia Lian to the Wangjia Inn, directly to the third floor of Tianzifang on the second floor. It is estimated that the cloud has been confessed in advance, and there are no treasurers and buddies coming over to block them. The two smoothly entered the room.

"You tell Zhu Jinghu about the address here. Don't say anything else, otherwise I can't spare you." Mo Fang Jiao said with a sullen face to Xia Lian.

Xia Lian did not dare to say more, out of the house to the tea house to tell Zhu Jinghu the address.

Zhu Jinghu couldn’t wait to rush to the Wangjia Inn. The unimpeded one went to the third floor of the Tianzi Room on the second floor. There was a good dish on the table inside the house, and Mo Fang was sitting on the side with a red face.

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters are updated at noon, and a more chapter will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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