Chapter 2182, Ye Jia received warnings

At the beginning of the cloud, when he heard Mo Fangbing say this, he transferred the topic: "Fangbing sister, I see the information you collected. The meteorite college and the criminal college seem to be incompatible with each other. The students on both sides will not do nothing. Play?"

Mo Fangbing's face was a stiff face. I didn't expect the style of the cloud to change so quickly. I was still discussing the small report, and now I have moved to the two colleges.

"Nature will not. First of all, the city of Tianluo is not allowed to use force. If there is any violation of the regulations, it will be dealt with by the city regulations. Secondly, the two colleges also have clear provisions, and it is not allowed to privately find students from the other colleges to fight trouble.

Besides, if the students of the two colleges want to compare, Tianluo City has a special test bench. As long as the fees are paid, the two sides can compete, so no one will fight privately. ”

The beginning of the cloud, a happy heart, this regulation is good, even if it is unfortunate to encounter Ye Bingyu's little scum, she did not dare to start in Tianluocheng. As for the Mohist family, Ye Bingyu is only a junior of Ye Family. He has limited command in his hand, and he dares not to arrogate to destroy a third-class family.

What Yunxiao didn’t know was that Ye’s family had already made a mess.

In the middle of the night yesterday, more than half of Ye’s doors were smashed into slag. The courtyard where Ye Bingyu is located is even worse. Even the houses have collapsed into ruins. Fortunately, everyone is a person of cultivation. Apart from being scared, they have not suffered any injuries.

On the bluestone plate of Ye Bingyu's courtyard, he was written with a large "kill" word with cinnabar! Bright red as blood, shocking!

Ye Bingyu shivered and shivered. She knew that this was a warning. It was easy for the other party to kill her. Who is warning her?

Ye Bingyu suddenly remembered the beginning of the cloud, but she shook her head, she thought it was impossible, the monk's spiritual power was so low, how could there be such a tough backing? Who did it do?

After learning about the incident, Ye Jia’s family called Ye Bingyu to the past and asked her seriously whether she had offended someone recently.

Ye Bingyu has already issued a poisonous oath. Naturally, he can't say anything about the beginning of the cloud. He can only bite his teeth and say that he has not offended anyone.

Ye Jiajia’s master couldn’t ask anything. He had to block the news and secretly sent someone to investigate, but he found nothing. Ye’s family had to step up the alert to prevent the man from coming to revenge again.

Ye Bingyu can't be a day, she wants to come and still withdraw the ambush at the junction of the East and West. If you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of it. If it is really the back of the monk, it will be bad.

Ye Bingyu still feels that Ye Jia is not too safe, so he decided to report to the Rock College in advance.

Each enrollment of the Rock College will give each first-class family two hands-free places. Ye Jia’s two places are given to Ye Bingyu and her cousin Ye Wenhong. Liu Jia gave the test-free places to Liu Pinyan and Liu Jinxi.

When Ye Bingyu just entered Tianluo City, Liu Jinxi said with amazement: "Ice, you see, isn't that stinky girl?"

Ye Bingyu looked at Liu Jinxi's finger direction and saw a beautiful girl who was talking to three people. It was the stinking head that the psychedelic forest encountered!

Ye Bingyu remembered the humiliation that he received on the same day, and quickly walked to the front of the cloud: "Hey! You dare to come to Tianluo City?!"

The beginning of the cloud and the bloodless promise of their chatter, I saw Ye Bingyu and others are a frown, but it is really narrow road, but in this day Luocheng, she did not dare.

(End of this chapter)

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