Chapter 2183 Rotten Peach Blossoms

The cloud has not spoken yet, and the bloodlessness is not happy. The slender phoenix eye picks up slightly: "Who are you? I dare to marry my little sister, big courage!"

"What are you doing?! Dare to dare..." Ye Bingyu said that half of it could not be said, and his face was stained with a blush. Is there such a good-looking man under the sun?

When the blood is promise, I know that I have encountered a rotten peach. I saw Ye Bingyu’s half-word, and I couldn’t help but scream: “I warn you, if you let me hear you later, I will not be able to spare you! Xiaojiu sister, my brother asked you to eat, ignore this crazy man!"

The beginning of the cloud is more refined. When I see Ye Bingyu's appearance, I know that she has seen the bloodlessness, and she can't help but lick her mouth, hehe! It’s really shameless to dare to lick my brother. Wuji brother, but it is for me!

"Ice feathers, who are they?" Ye Wenhong did not know what happened in the psychedelic forest, and asked inexplicably.

Ye Bingyu has only slowed down, and perfunctorily said: "But it was a little past festival, there was no big deal. Second cousin, I am hungry, let's go eat."

Ye Wenhong heard Ye Bingyu say so, and he did not continue to ask.

Liu Pinyan's face is not very good-looking. He has a good impression on Ye Bingyu. Natural observation is more meticulous than others. He knows that Ye Bingyu is tempted by the red man.

Ye Bingyu looked at the clouds and the four of them entered a restaurant. Their eyes flashed and they called a guard to tell: "Look at them four people, and then tell me what I have heard."

When Liu Pinyan heard Ye Bingyu's words, his face was even more ugly. He pursued her for so long, and there was no progress. She was so overwhelmed by a man who only saw one side. It was too much.

Liu Jinxuan is not as careful as Liu Pinyan, but also smiles and Ye Bingyu said: "Ice feather, I did not expect that the monk still knows the long-looking man. Oh, I saw the man wearing red clothes for the first time, so attractive. Then a trace of evil spirits is even more handsome than the Jinlin seniors of the Rock College."

"Well, that person is really good, just don't know what his identity is." Ye Bingyu said with a reddish face. If the family's family is equal to her, she must let her parents find ways to find someone to match the media.

"Although he looks good, he estimates that his identity is not good. After all, the stinky girl is the third-class family." Liu Jin said with a grin, what is the use of long good looks? No identity is no good.

Ye Bingyu knows that Liu Jinqi’s guess is likely to be correct, but he still has a hint of fantasies. Even if the person is a second-class family, they will ask for their parents and they will agree.

By the next morning, when the guards brought back the news, Ye Bingyu was cold.

The man turned out to be only a sprawling upswing, even the third-class family was not, such a person, did not marry her qualifications.

Liu Jinxi has been reprimanded by her brother. She knows that she almost helped me. Now I quickly make up for it. I dismissively said: "Ice, you will not be the red man. You should not be stupid. In addition to some, not only can the family not work, but the spiritual power is only a layer of spirituality, which is simply a waste. The Xianyuan continent is strong and respectful, you can not be confused by his appearance."

Ye Bingyu's hot heart suddenly cooled down. Yes, it was just a good skin capsule. Such a man could not match her. Her mentality changed, she was somewhat annoyed yesterday's gaffe, and her heart was bloodless and hated.

(End of this chapter)

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