Chapter 2348 The Shell Fragment of the Axe

The students of the Star Class heard the news, and their eyes looked at the three people at the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, he turned his head and looked at the crowd. Those people suddenly saw the cat like a mouse. They all bowed their heads or turned their eyes.

However, they all have an idea in mind, that is, the three black sheep of the beginning of the cloud have finally been persuaded to retreat, it is a great thing to be happy!

Dong’s tutor obviously thinks the same way, and the voice has improved. Some students say that they should not think that their family’s family is superior to others. If this test is the last 30, even the first-class family must be expelled. ""

The beginning of the cloud sneered in the heart, this is saying her! This is only the first-class family of the criminal college, this Dong tutor seems to be not so snobbery! Of course, perhaps his snobbery is different from ordinary people, not for money and family, but for spiritual power.

"Dong Tutor, what is the content of our test this time?" asked a student.

"I don't know this. Every test content of the college is confidential, so you can avoid preparing in advance." Dong Tutor replied.

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart was awkward, and it was quite mysterious. There was such a small expectation in this heart. This time I let these slags look, she is not only a tyrant or a tyrant!

The next day, the first-year freshmen gathered on the Axe Square, both nervous and looking forward to waiting for the director of the grandson to announce the test.

"You may all know that the reason why our criminal college is named because of the apocalypse, your test this time is related to the apocalypse. The apocalypse is an artifact, and the artifact is not a refining of the monk, but a natural longevity. .

What you are going to is the birthplace of the **** of apocalypse - the axe tiankeng, and your mission is to collect the pieces of the shell that faded when the **** axe was born. The number of pieces of shells that you collect is your score. A group of three people is placed in the last ten groups for withdrawal. The test period is ten days. ”

The grandson’s dean added some rules. It is nothing more than prohibiting the use of rules such as shackles, no-flying, and ban-free robbing. If you encounter dangers and stimulate the jade cards issued to them for a while, you can come out.

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart is awkward. I dare to love this god-like axe like a monster. Is it from the egg? I don't know if this criminal **** axe is not in the prison school, if you have the chance to get it.

When Yunchu was thinking about it, he saw the statue of the grandson and several vice presidents surrounding the statue of the **** of the gods.

At the same time, a mentor gave them a jade card to use when they were in danger.

At the beginning of the cloud, the jade card that was given to them was written with one hundred and five five. It is estimated that this is their team number.

At the beginning of the cloud, this product had suffered from the loss of this jade card. Therefore, it was unreasonable to throw this jade card to the tutor and exchanged a jade card of No. 106. The tutor was too angry to say anything. The heart said that this cloud was really a sigh of relief. Is it even more pleasing to the eye? !

The tutor had to re-register, and then gloomy face and then issued a jade card.

One person saw this scene, and his eyes could not help but shrink. This stinky girl was too shrewd and even changed the jade card.

Humph! However, what she did not know was that there was no hand or foot on the jade card. Even if the jade card in her hand is good, the corresponding transmission array is not activated, they are still a dead end.

At this time, the statue of the axe was slowly removed, and the place was a white light. It should look like a transmission array.

The students walked into the transmission array according to the class, and the three people in the beginning of the cloud also went in.

(End of this chapter)

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