Chapter 2349 God Axe Deep Pit

When the cloud was restored to its sight, it was found to be a huge deep pit. Looking up, you could barely see the edge of the pit wall.

The wall of the pit is as smooth as a mirror, but the bottom of the pit is self-contained.

They are in a wasteland, and not far from there is a meadow, and in the distance it seems to be a jungle.

The grandson's dean let everyone see the shell fragments of the axe, which is a stone-like stone material that can emit a touch of golden light, but it is also easy to identify.

Everyone started to search according to the group. This wasteland is basically no play, because the vision here is very open, and if the shell fragments of the axe are visible at a glance.

The first few people in the cloud are not in a hurry. Anyway, there are ten days. It is not bad to let everyone explore the road first. There may be some strange monsters in this ancient deep pit, or be careful.

At the beginning of the cloud, I walked to the edge of the stone wall and beat and beat: "This stone wall is quite similar to the stone wall of Tiandao Cliff. I don't know what the above scene is. If it is not forbidden, I really want to fly up and see."

Jin Zhibai gave her a look: "It is estimated that it is to prevent someone from climbing up, so it is forbidden to fly here, you will die this heart!"

The eyes of the first cloud can't help but shine. If you are afraid of people going there, there must be something good! If the flight is forbidden, others can't fly, but she has sticky silk, she can climb up!

Then the question is coming. Is it climbing or not?

If it was before, this wealthy confession might have climbed up, but since the last honey thing, this product has long been remembered, and nothing is important.

Jin Zhi was too aware of the goods, and gave her a look: "Do not think about it! Go, go find the shell fragments of the **** axe!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the flat mouth was flat, and he had to follow the golden branch and the bloodlessness.

The goods walked and muttered: "Do you say that the college is sick?! What can be used for the broken shell fragments of the apocalypse? Is it because the shells look good? I see, there is no night pearl to look good!"

When Yunchu said that her eyes were bright, she remembered that when she was testing, Pang’s tutor promised her if she won the first place in the test, but she would reward her with five bright night pearls.

This cargo suddenly came to the spirit, no matter whether the broken shell fragments are useful, this first place must be obtained.

It may be because there are students in front of the road, so the first three days of the cloud did not encounter any high-level monsters, but did not find a shell of the **** axe.

What they didn't know was that the Axe Square had erected a large screen with the number of each group and the number of shell fragments of the axe that had been found.

Some groups have found five shell fragments, most of which have found one or three shell fragments. Only a few small groups and one fragment have not been found. The group of 106 is not unexpectedly among them.

Director Dong snorted and said: "How? I said that the cloud is not a weapon, what is the darling of heaven? Maybe it is a lie she made."

I have to say that the Dong tutor is the truth. It is indeed a lie made by a certain nine. I can only say that the person who knows you the most is your enemy!

"This, shouldn't it? At that time, many people were present. Besides, this test only started for two days. Maybe after the cloud, they will attack it! After the entrance test, they are the last stage. Attacked." Pang Tutor disagreed.

The fourth is even more. Water seepage upstairs, so troublesome, the key can not find where is leaking, hehe! The remaining four chapters are updated at noon, and a more chapter will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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