Chapter 2350 climbs the stone wall

Three days later, the three people in the cloud did not find a piece of the priest's shell, and even the people did not touch one.

The three thought that the jungle was the end of the deep axe of the gods. What they did not expect was that when they passed through the jungle, they found that there was a valley in front, and looking far away, they still could not see the end.

"The deep axe of this **** is big enough. Where did those people go? How did a team not touch it?" Jin Zhi said inexplicably.

"That is, although we are slower, but not a team can not see it?" Blood no wrinkles frowned, I feel that something seems wrong.

The beginning of the cloud is a glimpse. I feel that this time it seems to be a familiar taste and a familiar formula. Is it because they are isolated?

Is it hard to make this **** axe valley also produce a spirit? No way?

If the axe valley produces a spirit, where will the people find the shell fragments of the axe? It’s right to hide things all the time.

So, what is going on here?

The three men discussed it and did not discuss any results. Yunchu’s deliberate provocation cursed the so-called “spiritual spirit”, but there was no result.

The instructors on the Axe Square looked at the changes in the data on the big screen and talked from time to time.

“The luck of this group of students seems to be very good, and the number of them found is more than the previous ones.”

"Yeah, it is estimated that they happened to find the right place. The students in the day class really had better grades. Most of the teams in front of them were Japanese classes."

"Yes, it seems that the qualification is very important. For example, when the cloud first smashed them three, five days passed, and even one did not find it. It is estimated that it will be dropped out of school in all likelihood."


Dong’s tutor listened to him. If it was normal, people who talked about the class of Stars were not good enough, he might be unhappy, but now I heard everyone saying that the first three people will be eliminated, but he is very happy, then three It’s good to have a black sheep being fired!

Pang’s tutor licked his beard, and he didn’t know if the little girl at the beginning of the cloud would create a miracle this time. I’m really looking forward to it!

One of the nine who was placed high hopes by Pang’s mentor was doing ideological work there.

"Wuji brother, Jinzhi beauty, you have seen the situation now, we are definitely pitted, although we do not know who is the pit, but its purpose is only one, that is, do not want us to find the debris.

We want to break this deadlock, there is only one way, that is to climb up! ”

Blood Promise and Golden Branch hesitated for a moment, agreed with the suggestion of Yunchu, not broken, if you have been searching below, I am afraid that it can only be returned without success.

The trio found a stone wall, and the clouds began to lay a lot of sand from the imaginary secrets under the stone wall. In this case, even if it really fell, at least it could save the life.

Blood Promise and Golden Branch Although I was shocked by the beginning of the cloud, I actually got so much sand, but I didn't care too much when I thought of the large stone in the ring of this cargo.

After the sand was laid in the beginning of the cloud, this was given to the sticky wire of the bloodless and golden branches. The three began to climb above the stone wall.

The three men climbed for five hours and climbed from the early morning to the sun setting, which climbed to the top of the stone wall.

However, when the three saw the situation in front of them, they could not help but be disappointed.

Originally thought that there would be a lot of fragments of the shell of the **** axe, I did not expect that there are many stones on the ground, but they are ordinary stones.

(End of this chapter)

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