Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2388: Anyway, there are a lot of time

Chapter 2388 has a lot of time anyway.

The bloodthirsty embarrassment has already flashed one hundred and eight kinds of eating methods for human beings, and then it was found that the little girl in front of him was still there, and his mouth was still muttering.

"Is this white cloth really useless? Or try again?"

"Hey! Little muddy, have you seen the white cloth in my hand? This is a famous soul-stricken soul. If you don't want to die, set up a temporary contract with me quickly!" Yunchu 鳗 waving a white cloth against the bloodthirsty eDonkey Said arrogantly.

Although this bloodthirsty eel is a forty-order aquatic monster, but the cloud is not afraid of it, because the biggest attack method of this bloodthirsty eel is the arc, which is like playing with the cloud. of.

Can the arc of bloodthirsty electricity be thunderous? Is there an arc that can withstand your launch for five hours?

The bloodthirsty elders know that the goods in front of them are a metamorphosis. It is irritated by the words of the beginning of the cloud, and it is an arc against the beginning of the cloud.

It thought that this arc would go down, and it would surely corona the smoky head in front of it. However, the ideal is full, and the reality is bone. This arc not only fails to corona the small head, but also gives electricity. More arrogant.

"Hey, little muddy, are you not eating? Is it so embarrassing to call you e-sports?" Yunchu squatted with a hand on his hips and waved white cloth without mentioning more arrogance.

Where is the bloodthirsty eDonkey, such a provocation and degeneration, even if the monster with a higher level than it does not dare to provoke it, today is actually laughed at by a human weak chicken, its anger can be imagined.

As a result, the bloodthirsty eDonkey is like crazy, and the arc of the cloud is desperately launched.

"Hey, this little current is so comfortable on the body, just like the spring breeze, come, come back!"

"Small muddy, not that I said you, just a small weak chicken like you, how did you survive in this Shenjiang River? Your waste is not eaten by other monsters? Are they vegetarian?" ”

"Come on! Continue to power me! Anyway, there are a lot of time, we are happy together!"


If the bloodthirsty eel can vomit blood, it is estimated that the blood trough has been spit out, and the gas beast is too special!

The bloodthirsty embarrassed anger under the anger, regardless of the beginning of desperate discharge, this product is also entangled, you are a little bit ah, it is good, and finally not only the electricity is released, and the spiritual power is excessive, directly White!

Jin Zhi and the old man are watching on the deck nervously, only to see the arc in the distance flashing, the old man keeps chanting: "It's over! It's over! This little girl is really impulsive!"

The old man has the heart to save people, but he and the brawny are the roots of the fire, and it is no good to go down!

The old man is very dissatisfied with the golden branch and the bloodlessness. These two young people and the little girl seem to have a good relationship. Why are they stupid and do not know how to save people?

Where does Jin Zhi know the thoughts of the old man, she also appeased the old man and said: "You can rest assured that Xiaojiu will be fine."

When the old man was thinking about Jin Jin’s two sentences, he heard an exclamation from the big man who was around him: "Benevolence, look! The bloodthirsty embarrassment turned white!"

The old man looked up and saw a huge bloodthirsty eel. He flipped his white belly and floated on the surface of the water. There was a splash of water next to it. A little girl poked his head out from inside. !

At the beginning of the cloud, seeing the bloodthirsty power, the spiritual power spent too much fainting, and could not help but licking the mouth, this monster is smart again, or a little bit worse.

This goods will naturally not let such a great opportunity, forced and bloodthirsty embarrassment to establish a temporary contract.

(End of this chapter)

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