Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2389: It looks at the white cloth

Chapter 2389, it looks at the white cloth.

Although the bloodthirsty embarrassed fainted, but the gods are still clear, when it realized that the cloud had to establish a temporary contract with it, it was rejected.

It is a forty-order aquatic beast, and even a temporary contract with a small, weak, three-layered chicken, isn't it that the beast laughs?

Unfortunately, even if it is reluctant, it can only let the cloud start to establish a temporary contract with it.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the cloud and it is only a temporary contract. If the cloud is forced to establish a main pet contract with it, the bloodthirsty embarrassment will rather refuse to fight.

After a while, the contract was reached.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t care about bloodthirsty embarrassment, and I swam in the direction of the big ship.

The old man's face is stiff and contracted? Is this a contract for a forty-order bloodthirsty embarrassment? How is this possible?

After the cloud rushed to the big ship, he smiled and said: "This time is good, we have a small mud to **** us, this road will be a lot smoother."

The old man screamed at the mouth, and finally said a word: "It, how did it faint?"

"It is estimated that it is very fond of white cloth, and it is constantly discharged toward the white cloth. Finally, the electric discharge is gone, and it faints. Perhaps it has been single for many years, and feels that the white cloth is in line with the image of its dream lover?" He took out a white cloth and waved a few times and said.

The bloodthirsty embarrassing that just woke up, turned white again!

It really really doesn't want to wake up anymore, it doesn't want to face that metamorphosis anymore, don't want to face the cruel world...

The old man’s mouth twitched, and he had to figure out the number of lives of this little girl. It turned out to be a small abnormality that did not follow the common sense.

Although the bloodthirsty embarrassed is not willing to wake up, but Na Yun began to squat on the deck: "Little mud, if you don't wake up again, I will tie the white cloth to your tail!"

The bloodthirsty electricity was forced by the devil's slut, and had to "wake up".

"Little mud, you don't have to worry, if you **** us to the destination, I will lift the temporary contract with you. Although we have established a temporary contract, I am the kindest person, I will not use you, when I am Will reward you with some anti-blood medicine."

The bloodthirsty embarrassed reluctantly agreed, and her heart was dark, she was kind? If she is kind, it will be a white cloth!

With the **** of bloodthirsty eel, the next voyage is very smooth.

"Little girl, we can go ashore in front. It is far beyond the sphere of influence of Fanjia, and there will be no more trouble." The old man can't wait to try to go to Tianyuan, so these two days are simply anxious.

"Old man, although Ziheng is my men, but it is similar to my brother, so I suggest that I have to talk to you.

You also found that the three of us are easy to pass, and now they have restored their original appearance. Even if Fan family stood in front of us, they could not recognize us.

However, the combination of the two of you is too easy to identify. Although the scope of the Fan family has already come out, there are their spies here, so you can't just leave. "On the one hand, Yunchu is really good for the old man. On the other hand, this product is also afraid that Fan Jiashun will find her trouble.

The old man nodded. "You said it makes sense. Do you have a cover?"

Although there are Yi Rongdan in the beginning of the cloud, there are only a few left, and she is reluctant to give it to the old man. Besides, Yi Rongdan has only ten days of efficacy, and the symptoms are not cured.

(End of this chapter)

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