Chapter 2494 Jungle

At the beginning of the cloud, while running, I wondered where to avoid. The monster must be familiar with the mystery of the Tianluo. I can’t hide it, and I will be caught up sooner or later.

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered the shape of the monster described by Ye Bingyu. Since it has a lot of wrists and feet on it, the more complicated the terrain is, the more unfavorable it is. Therefore, the cloud first commanded the monster to run toward a jungle.

The students who followed the beginning of the cloud, tired and screaming, but also gnawed their teeth.

Because they didn't dare to stop when they saw the beginning of the cloud, it means that the monster must be very terrible, or else the cloud will not be so nervous.

Finally, everyone entered the jungle.

At the beginning of the cloud, the four people are not arrogant, because they have free mounts!

Everyone gathered around and asked about the monsters.

Ye Bingyu simply described it. When she and several students were preparing to pick the Tianluo flowers, they suddenly saw those venomous bees mad and usually abandoned the nest and flew away, and even the queens followed.

When they were strange, they saw the huge monster, and then they fled without a life.

Ye Bingyu was able to survive because she had a defensive device that her gave her, and she was farthest away, or she had already been caught.

When everyone heard Ye Bingyu's words, there was a huge panic in my heart.

I have never heard of any monsters and long wrists. It is a characteristic of a monster in the sea. What is that thing? Why is it in the mystery of the sky?

When the crowd was undecided, they felt the ground tremble slightly. The student in charge of the treetop jumped down and said in horror: "Yes, that monster! It, it is coming!"

Everyone suddenly panicked, like a headless fly, and did not know how to be good.

Everyone looked at the beginning of the cloud, since she can kill the Gorefiend, this time I can certainly kill the monster.

At the beginning of the cloud, I twitched my eyes: "Do you all see what I am doing? I am a small, weak chicken with six layers of spirits. What can I do?!"

Li Huan, a dogleg, immediately said with a flattering voice: "Miss Yun, you are resourceful, we all believe in you, what do you say when we say what we do! Everyone says yes?"

Most of the students who followed were all first-year students, and they all joined.

The remaining seniors and the Rocky Academy are silent and ready to see what's going on.

At the beginning of the cloud, the people looked at them. The little face was very gloomy: "People are selfish. If you don't believe me, then please choose another place to live. Anyway, this jungle is very big. I don't want to wait until the monster comes in. After that, because some people did not listen to the command, they were tired of us."

"You! What big cheese do you put on! I really thought that I was amazing? Let's go!" Some students left with anger.

Yunchu looked at the rest of the students and said: "The monster has a lot of wrists and feet. The movement into this jungle is bound to be limited, so our best choice is to deal with it in the jungle."

Everyone nodded and thought that Yun’s first words made sense. No wonder she would run here to hide.

At this time, the cloud began to say: "The monster's wrist can stretch, but I guess it should be limited. At that time, we try to attack remotely and find a way to find its weakness. When attacking, we group Carry out so that you can maintain enough vigilance and combat power so as not to be hit by monsters."

(End of this chapter)

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