Chapter 2495 Liu Jin's life

At the beginning of the cloud, the people were divided into three groups. She, Blood Promise and Jinzhi led a group.

After just negotiating this, I heard the sound of screaming, the monster has entered the jungle.

At the beginning of the cloud, the crowd waved at the crowd, and everyone jumped to the tree and looked at the front with vigilance.

At the beginning of the cloud, a gesture was made to several of the students, indicating that they were changing trees.

Although the students did not understand the intention of the cloud, but they changed the tree.

I saw a monster of the size of a small hill crawling into the woods. There are more than a dozen people wrapped around his wrists. Some people who escaped without listening to the clouds.

The students on the treetops are glad that they chose to believe in the beginning of the cloud, or they will die.

Among those people, basically all are dead bodies, only one woman is alive, with a sneer on his face, and his mouth screams coldly: "You are giving me out at the beginning of the cloud! Don't think that you can live in it." ,You're dead!"

Everyone is very puzzled. The woman is wearing the costumes of the Rock College. How do you look like a monster?

Ye Bing Yu's straight bite, this Liu Jinxi is really mad, is she crazy?

The monster may feel that the bodies are in the way, and they are all sent to the mouth and swallowed.

Everyone saw a nausea, although the monster is also very cruel, but the inexplicable monster in front of it is disgusting.

At the end of the day, the monster only rolled up Liu Jinxi alone, and the rest of the wrists began to violently dance. The trees photographed by the wrists began to break, and only some hard trees were survived.

At this time, the students only understood why they had changed trees because the trees they were in were not hard-hardened. If they were hit by the wrists of the monsters, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At the beginning of the cloud, I carefully observed the monster. In addition to more than a dozen wrists, the monster has four legs under the body, but there is no hair on the body. It is like an octopus with four legs. How to see how weird.

I don't know if this monster has any other attack means besides attacking with the wrist and foot. Be careful.

At the beginning of the cloud, he waved his hand to his own group, and everyone began a spiritual attack on the monster.

Most of the people choose the Spiritual Beast attack, which keeps a certain distance from the monster and has a greater power.

With the exception of the beginning of the cloud, she kept emitting purple magic needles to the eyes of the monster.

The monster is very sinister. It rolls Liu Jinxi with her wrist and uses her body to block the spiritual power of everyone.

Everyone still cares about Liu Jinxi’s life at this time, not to mention that she is obviously a group with the monsters, and it’s good to die.

Therefore, after a spiritual attack, the monster was unscathed, and Liu Jinxi was dead and transparent. She didn't close her eyes when she died. She didn't understand why she would make such a stop. Is that the beginning of the cloud is really the darling of Heaven, and all of them will not have a good result?

The little needle of the cloud at the beginning of the cloud has succeeded. Although it does not cause any substantial damage to the monster, it makes the monsters cry and scream, and is even more angry.

At the beginning of the cloud, I liked it, and I figured it out to everyone. Everyone knew it and began to aim the spiritual attack at the eyes of the monster.

(End of this chapter)

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