Chapter 2635

When the goods are preparing to return to the mulberry garden to help collect the snow jade, the grotesque inside the dantian suddenly screamed, and the excitement should not be avoided. If there is a cloud, if it does not follow its meaning, it will rebel. Stance.

At the beginning of the cloud, he was arrogant, but he was afraid that the weeds really controlled what her body was doing, and had to follow the guidance of the weeds.

Some Tianyifeng disciples saw the direction of the beginning of the cloud, and suddenly showed the expression of gloating, this cloud is really looking for death, even dare to go to the ground? ! Some people blinked a few times and turned and walked away.

At the beginning of the cloud, I frowned. How do I feel more and more desolate? Where does the weird grass take her?

Far away saw a lonely courtyard, surrounded by weeds, apparently has been abandoned for many years.

There are three quaint characters on the plaque of the courtyard.

At the beginning of the cloud, I frowned. The mixed Yuanzong had a thought about the hole. She knew it. How can I still have a thought here?

There is also a stone monument in front of the courtyard, with two large characters written in cinnabar - "forbidden land".

Forbidden land?

It is estimated that there is no danger or there is something ulterior secret, or it is better to leave!

When Yunchu was planning to leave, the ecstasy in Dantian was shot. The early days of the cloud revealed that her feet were approaching Siyuju step by step.

The beginning of the cloud suffocating: "Dog tail! You are sick again? If I am dead, don't think about it!"

The grotesquely made the leaves form a heart-shaped scent, but still controlled the body and gradually approached the courtyard.

In the beginning of the cloud, the direct pumping of the suffocating air: "I promise you to enter the yard, you give me the control of the body, or else you are like a headless fly, my life is hard to protect."

The leaves of the weird grass swayed, apparently thinking about the beginning of the cloud, and finally returning the control of the body to the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I wanted to turn around and run, but she knew the temper of the weeds. I am afraid that she couldn’t run far, and she would get it back again, so she had to give up the idea of ​​running away.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was afraid that I would think about the existence of a law enforcement agency. After propping up the spiritual cover, I opened the courtyard door with a long-lasting rolling pin.

I don't know how many years this door has been opened. I just dropped a lot of dust when I pushed it open.

The yard is also overgrown with weeds, and the silence is silent. Only the breeze blows through the sound of weeds.

Inside the yard is very spacious, there are six partial rooms in one main room, but the window sills on the roof are covered with weeds. Obviously, no one has lived for many years.

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned around in the yard and found no abnormalities. Why is it so thought of living here? Was it originally used to make people think about it?

When Yunchu was thinking about it, the weird grass began to scream, and Yunchu had to push the main room with a rolling stick according to its meaning.

There is nothing special about the furnishings in the house, except that the appliances are covered with dust. At the beginning of the cloud, the door of the bedroom was pushed open. There was only one wooden bed and one desk. There was nothing unusual.

"Dog tail, have you seen it? There is nothing here? Are you sick?" The cloud was not angry with the gods and said to the weeds.

The leaves of the weeds trembled, apparently a little guilty. It clearly smelled delicious, how could it be nothing?

There is also a chapter, after finishing writing.

(End of this chapter)

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