Chapter 2636, Elder Lai

When the cloud saw the strange grass, I knew that the goods were guilty.

At the beginning of the cloud, there is no time to curse the weird grass. When she remembers that she came, many disciples saw her. Someone will report her private forbidden land, or it is better to leave quickly.

When Yunchu was planning to leave, I heard a footstep outside, and my heart sank, and it was bad!

No matter what martial art, private bans are big crimes, how can this be good? Do you hide in the mirror?

However, the people of the mixed yuan sect are not stupid. The courtyard door was opened at a glance, and there are her footprints. In any case, it is unclear. What can we do?

"The beginning of the cloud, you come out! You dare to sneak into the ground, waiting to be punished!"

"Is it, let us go in and catch you out? Let's hurry out!"


When the cloud was in a hurry, he heard a door knocking on a partial house. Someone said, "What happened? Why do you want to ban privately?"

"See the elders of Li! The disciples are listening to people and saying that Yunchu has entered this place privately, so he will come over and check it out. Since you are here, it means that the news is wrong, we will leave."

"Well, let's go back! Don't get close to here, so you don't have to be dangerous."


At the beginning of the cloud, through the cracks of the door, I saw an old man standing in the center of the yard, and those law enforcement disciples of Tianfeng Peak retired.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t understand the meaning of the elder of Li, why did he cover her?

When the beginning of the cloud was unpredictable, I saw that the elder Lai took out a battle and started the formation. Then he said, "Small girl, come out, it’s okay!"

Although Yunchu didn’t know what this Li Chang was, there was no other way to do it. He had to smack the room out of the house.

The expression on Mr. Li’s face is very gentle: “Small girl, what are you doing with nothing to do?”

"I, I just lost my way around, and then I was so curious that I made a big mistake. Thank you for helping me cover it." Yunchu said and took a gift.

Li Changla smiled and said: "You are a little girl who is not afraid of fear. I really like the temper of you. Just come, come over and help me."

When the elders of Laos finished speaking, they went to the partial room and pushed the door and went in.

After the beginning of the cloud, I found that there was no trace of dust falling after the door was pushed open. This means that this partial house may be used by people.

After the beginning of the cloud, Li Changchang entered the house. After Li Changchang closed the door, he once again took out a battle. After the start of the battle, the gentle smile on his face became a sneer: "Yunyun, you are really Looking for a dead road, I actually ran here. Are you dead or let me kill you?"

"You are the **** of the devil's temple?"

Li Chang’s face was not panicked when he saw Yun’s face. Some accidentally said: “Why don’t you panic? Do you know that I am a **** demon?”

"I didn't know before, I know it now. As for why I don't panic, the reason is very simple. It is much easier to deal with those people before you deal with it. After all, as long as you kill and then think about it, no one will burn it. I can trace it to me!" Yunxiao said with a smile, but the words are cold.

Li Chang was a sneak peek, and then he sneered: "Smelly girl, you are really arrogant! Kill me? You can kill me with a six-layered spirit? Here I have arranged the array, your characters It’s useless, let’s die!”

Eighth. Continue tomorrow at noon, what!

(End of this chapter)

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