Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2930: a rainbow of scattered alliances

Chapter 2930, the momentum of the scattered alliance

There isn’t a single person in the Sanshou Alliance, and even if there are so few people who want to retreat, they are embarrassed to stand up.

Just kidding, come here, and now you don’t let people laugh at the big teeth? !

At the beginning of the cloud, I nodded with satisfaction. "It’s very good. It’s really the mainstay of my fairyland. As long as we have a person in the league, the hurricane will never fall into the hands of the Yi people. Surviving!"

"Oath and coexist with the position!"

"Oath and coexist with the position!"


The loud and clear voice sounded like thunder, and even An Linchuan and Shangguanyu were infected by this momentum, and they could not help but shouted.

How loud the sound naturally attracted the attention of many people, and even the people in the big account of the discussion also came out to check out. When they saw the momentum of the scattered alliance, they were really surprised.

This, this is a loose alliance?

Shouldn’t the Scattering Alliance be a loose sand? How can such discipline be so strict? !

Moreover, this momentum can be described as a swallowing of mountains and rivers. Although there are only a few thousand people, this momentum is even more powerful than the tens of thousands of coalition forces. It is really strange!

Everyone still thought that Yun’s initial request to guard the hurricane was self-effacing. Now, if you look at it, there are some doorways, maybe it’s really ok?

The fan family said with a cold cry: "These are just superficial efforts. As long as you have a little bit of effort, the coalition can become like this in less than three days. The fight is not a singer. What good is it to use?! It depends on the actual combat ability. ”

Although everyone thinks that the Fan family is not very good at listening, but they feel that there are some truths, although it looks good, but if it is a flower shelf, it is useless.

At this point, Yunchu has already rushed to the hurricane with the scattered alliance.

The Hurricane Mouth is a few hundred miles away from the coalition’s bill, but these monks are very quick. After an hour, everyone arrives at the Hurricane.

At the beginning of the cloud, I finally understood the origin of this hurricane. The Wanbi Gobi has an endless mountain range and is a natural barrier.

The place where the hurricane is located is the narrowest and shortest part of the mountain range, and there is a violent hurricane.

The most terrible thing is that the hurricane was blown by the direction of the Yi people. That is to say, the Yi people were not affected by the hurricane when they attacked, but the defensive side was just facing the hurricane. The hurricane was full of small hurricanes. The wind blade, although not fatal, can also greatly reduce the combat effectiveness.

The original leader of the defensive hurricane was the Zhao Fengzhu of the Qi Yuanzong Huofeng. It was quite strange to see Yunchu and others come over.

Zhao Feng asked about the cause of the incident. After seeing the literary slogan with the coalition’s seal, this said: "Well, if that is the case, then we will withdraw, and the hurricane will be handed over to you. Recently the movement of the Yi people. Frequent, you must be careful."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "Zhao Feng, please rest assured that our scattered alliance will surely hold the hurricane, and will not let the Yi people have a chance."

To be honest, Zhao Feng’s master is really not at ease with the scattered alliance. Although it looks like something going on, can it really work? Will it not collapse when confronted with the attacks of the Yi people?

However, since there was a command on the list, he was not so good, and he slammed a few words, and then he left the hurricane with his men.

At the beginning of the cloud, I checked the terrain and immediately arranged for the people in the scattered alliance to station and set up camps...

(End of this chapter)

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