Chapter 2931 was taken

After two hours, everything was finally arranged.

At the beginning of the cloud, the yak yaked in the big account, and the small heads of the nine battalions were summoned. Of course, the leaders of the cold lord, Feng Zhi, An Linchuan and Shangguan.

At the beginning of the cloud, I first said a lot of words. It is nothing more than welcoming the kind words of An Linchuan and Shangguantun to help, and it is also a introduction to everyone.

Then, the beginning of the cloud whispered a turn: "Hurricane is the most difficult barrier to defend the line, so we must be vigilant. If you devote any blame on duty, I will blame me for not recognizing people!

Of course, if any camp or who performs well, I will not treat him badly. Our scattered alliances will surely achieve a clear distinction between rewards and punishments. Those who are indiscriminately will never let it lightly. ”

The small heads of the nine battalions have been repeatedly said to be okay.

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded with satisfaction and licked some places that needed attention, which allowed them to retreat first.

An Linchuan and Shangguanyi looked at the side and couldn’t help but be amazed. This cold little nine is really under the control of the royal family. It can make her men obedient, how did she do it?

When the two were wondering, they heard Yunchu’s saying: "Two young men, are you earlier than us, have you ever confronted the Yi people?"

An Linchuan straightened his waist and said with a sigh of relief: "This is of course! However, the grandsons of the Yi people are shrinking their heads and sneaking, and it may be that we have increased our troops here. The head is withdrawn and it is not fun at all."

At the beginning of the cloud, he ignored his words and turned to ask the Shangguan: "Shangguan Shaoxia, what do you think of the Yi people?"

An Linchuan: "..."

What does this cold little nine mean? Is this the red fruit that ignores him? Did he offend her?

The Shangguan Temple is obviously more reliable than An Linchuan. He said with a deep indulgence: "The last confrontation, although we blocked the attacks of the Yi people, we paid a heavy price.

It can be seen that the current dodge of the Yi people is absolutely not normal. They should be plotting what conspiracy. Hurricane is the weakest place in our defense line. They are likely to use the hurricane as a breakthrough. We must be prepared for it. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, the hooks were hooked: "The Shangguan Shaoxia said that it makes sense. However, the lord of the squad believes that the Yi people will not use the hurricane as a breakthrough. Instead, it is likely to use Huangni 垛 as a breakthrough. This is called the opposite. It’s just a surprise for the war.”

An Linchuan couldn't help himself, and couldn't help but laugh. "You, are you telling a joke? Huang Ning is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Yi people will attack from Huangniu unless they are blind."

The recent temptations of the Yi people obviously have more troops on the side of the hurricane. Isn’t this obvious? ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at An Linchuan with an idiot's gaze: "Do you know how we lost last time? Just take it for granted!"

The Yi people are sexually deceitful. If they really want to attack from the hurricane, they will not deliberately arrange more troops in the hurricane. This is the pretense. ”

An Linchuan inexplicably feels that this feeling of being vomited by the sputum is very familiar. Is it that Xiaoqiu’s little girl likes to marry him?

Shangguang felt that there was some truth in Yunchu’s remarks. Shen Sheng said: “The cold co-owner, if this is the case, you still report this idea to the ally as soon as possible!”

At the beginning of the cloud, I curled up my mouth and said: "Even if I go to say, he may not agree with my thoughts. I have a better idea."

Eighth. The remaining two chapters are updated nine points, forgive me, and Kavinka becomes a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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