Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2941: Xiaojiu League's brain powder

Chapter 2941 Xiao Jiu Meng's brain powder

Fan Jiquan’s face flashed a trace of embarrassment and guilty guilty: “What do you know about a yellow-haired girl?! This is called a time-testing situation!

Don't look at the fact that you brought some people over, you are all rabble, not the opponents of the Yi people. I advise you to surrender early, or else you will die! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, a ringing tone was made. The scattered alliance behind her suddenly issued a deafening slogan: "Spreading the Alliance, killing the Yi! The Little Nine League, the world is invincible!"

"Have you heard? This is our answer! Dai? Cut! Don't say anything else, look at the way the 魇 word is written, a race that a ghost hates, and lick your face to invade our human race? It's a shame!" I sighed at the beginning.

The faces of the Yi people are distorted. They have always been proud of being a Yi people. However, this stinky one said that he felt that for a moment he was so unlucky as a Yi people. !

"Smelly head, you play less! Do you dare to fight alone with this little master?" The Yi people think very simple, he is a piece of cake to deal with this stinky head, as long as you kill this stinky head, left People are not worth mentioning.

"Don't dare." A certain nine said with arrogance.

Yi people less master: "..."

God, where is this wonderful? ! Doesn't it mean that the Terran are very focused on the face? How can there be such a shameless person?

The Yi people are contemptuously saying: "As a ally of the loose alliance, you can't even agree with the challenge of the young master. I feel worthy for those who have scattered the alliance. Are you willing to be so cowardly? leadership?"

"Let your mother's dog stink! Is our lord so timid? This is called disdain! No culture is terrible!"

"Yes! We are invincible in the world, we will be afraid of you, a stinky **** residue? We don't have to be hands-on, we just have to say that you have to die!"

"That is, we are a small ally, this is called a strategy, you know a wool! Besides, we are the noble character of the small nine leagues, will you **** with you like this ghost?!"


An Linchuan and Shangguan Yu looked at each other, Emma, ​​dare to love the entire scattered alliance is this cold small nine brain powder?

The word brain powder is still a drop from the beginning of the cloud, and it is too appropriate to describe the alliance.

Yi people less master: "..."

Has the human IQ been degraded to this extent? Hasn't the basic resolving power been gone?

The Yi people have less teeth and teeth, and wave their hands: "Kill! One does not stay!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he grinned: "The little ones, put on the secret weapons, kill them, don't leave them, let these slags look at our spoiler alliance!"

An Linchuan and Shangguan are curious, secret weapons? What secret weapon?

When they saw the gas mask worn by the Alliance in the face, they suddenly felt a slap in the face. Isn't this a gas mask exclusively developed by Xiaojiu Shimei?

However, it is obvious that when I asked Dong to ask the West, the two people also had such a gas mask in the storage ring. They quickly took it out and put it on their faces, and they also killed the Yi people.

What is the ghost of the people of the Yi nationality, what are the ghosts on the face of these scattered alliances? It looks like a mask, but I haven't heard of a mask made of cloth?

Soon, the Yi people know what the strange things are, and they find that those who are in the league are not afraid of the suffocation they release...

(End of this chapter)

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