Buried Prince of the Yi in Chapter 2942

The people of the coalition forces suddenly gained confidence when they saw the situation, and they also smashed with the Yi people along with the scattered alliance.

As for the black heart, nine are standing behind a small dirt **** and yelling at the neck and shouting: "It's good to kill! Killing! The screaming Dai people scream!"

"Brothers of the Alliance, I am optimistic about you! Plus!"

"Allied forces of the coalition forces, can't you compare with our scattered alliance? Take your strength! I am also optimistic about you!"


The Yi people were originally distracted, and then heard the shouts of the black heart nine, the palm of the air smashed the mound!

Blackheart sneaked away in the early morning, and smiled and said: "Hey, is your eyes not very good? The lord is here! Come, there is energy to kill me!"

The Yi people have hated the stinky head that was killed in the middle of the road, and regardless of other people, they rushed to the front of the cloud.

"Hey, you really kill me? You thought I was stupid, would you really die here? Can't help, I still have something, let's see you!" After the black heart was finished, the scorpion ran away.

The Yi people are simply forced!

He has played a lot of big and small shackles. He has never encountered such a leading commander. She is not afraid of her running like this.

However, obviously his fears are superfluous! Those who scatter the alliance one by one are blind to each other and turn a blind eye to the escape behavior of their allies. Instead, they are more like a chicken-blooded courage to kill the enemy.

I really saw a ghost!

The prince of the Yi nationality saw that the first day of the cloud had already smashed the scorpion and ran away. He snorted and turned back to continue to join the battle.

Not a little while, the black heart is shrinking and the brain is running back!

"Hey! The turtle grandson of the Yi nationality, there is the ability to kill your grandmother!" The black heart is half-shouldered and smiles.

The chaos of the Yi people's temperament, regardless of the disappointment, once again rushed over to the beginning of the cloud, however, the black heart nine once again stunned all of a sudden.

After several times, the Yi people were completely angered and occupied their minds. They ran down the chasing of the clouds.

Blackheart nine ran while provoking, this cargo sneaked a look, I saw the prince of the Yi people chasing after the back, my heart proud, Guan He or the Mozu, met her little nine fairy have to squat into the ambush !

Running and running black heart nine suddenly stopped and did not run, smiled and said: "Are you stupid? Do you not know that this is called the enemy deeper? Do you not know that you are so alone? You are a silly fork! ”

The Yi people's heart was tight, and it was discovered that he had already ran out of more than ten miles. When he wanted to turn around, he rushed out of the surrounding bushes and surrounded him.

A hippie smile before the change of a ninety-one, staring at the prince of the Yi people with a sharp look, "Well!"

The people who spoiled the alliance suddenly killed the sound. They originally thought that ambushing here was nothing more than a slap in the face. I didn’t expect their Xiaojiu lord to be a **** man! I even caught a big fish! Prince of the Yi people!

God, if they kill the princes of the Yi people, they will be the heroes of the Xianyuan continent in the future!

The people who had been in the league for a while had just smashed the chicken blood, and rushed to the Prince of the Yi.

The Yi people are almost remorseful!

He thinks that human beings are the idiots that take for granted, otherwise they will not easily win the last time.

This time, they also made a thorough preparation, and unexpectedly used Huangniyu as a breakthrough. It was a foolproof action. How did it kill such a bad thing halfway?

(End of this chapter)

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