Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2969: Sadness and sorrow for greedy fear of death (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 2969 The sad reminder of greedy fear of death (seeking a monthly pass)

An Linchuan immediately rushed: "Remove? But the little nine sister is still in their hands! She is still inside the turtle shell!"

The main squad said: "Don't I want to save her? But how do you save the Yi army?! If you still don't withdraw, you will all die! The Terran line of defense will also be defeated!"

An Linchuan’s eyes are red: “Good! Good! You can’t save me!”

Shangguan’s eyes are also red: “I am with you!”

Leng Kui said coldly on the side: "And me!"

The main force of the League's main teeth: "Zhuo Fengzhu, King Jing, Zhao Fengzhu, control them three, withdraw!"

An Linchuan three people wanted to resist, but several elders of Yu Yuanzong and the mixed Yuanzong swarmed up, just like the little chickens who controlled the three.

When Moses Vatican had not arrived, the Terran returned to the hurricane.

The sad heart of the black heart nine hides in the tortoise shell, is carried by more than 20 people, want to run can not run!

The goods comforted themselves, nothing, when she was on the road for a while, she then hid in the virtual mirror.

After Moses vanguard arrived at the side of the silence, he went down to the beast and gave a gift: "See His Royal Highness, the old minister will come to the king to save the car, save the car late, and forgive sin."

He quietly helped the Moses Vatican: "This time thanks to the prince of Mo, this defeat is caused by the intention of the palace, oh."

Where does Moses Vatican dare to reconcile, but only a few words of help, and then discuss the next step.

"His Royal Highness, within a short period of time, it is difficult for us and the Terran to distinguish the winners and losers. It is better to let the garrisons go to various gates, and then we will take a long-term plan." Moses Vatican said.

He nodded quietly. Obviously, this arrogance made his arrogance smoothed out a lot, and arranged for the Yi army to return to the station.

The team of 敖 和 and Moses Vatican was temporarily stationed at the station of the hurricane. After some fuss, he thought of the black heart nine.

He made people lift the big turtle shell into the big account of the discussion, sneer again and again: "Cold Xiaojiu, no, the beginning of the cloud, I did not expect that you fell into the hands of this Prince today, you have repeatedly broken our Yi people. Good thing, I have to break your body today."

Black Heart Nine is now crying for tears!

She thought she could hide in the virtual mirror at any time, but I don’t know why, too, the mirror is dead, and there is no reaction at all!

According to the wool ball, too virtual mirror may be to advance, so sleep!

Sleeping you!

I didn’t sleep late in sleep, but when I was dormant, why didn’t she have her life? ! If you are dormant, say it early!

If she knows that the virtual mirror can't be used, she used to be on the battlefield and said that she has to rush out. Maybe there is still a chance to live!

It’s good now, especially when you enter the old nest of the Yi people, it’s hard to go to heaven!

It’s a day!

Xiaobai face has also entered the secret world, and now she can only rely on herself!

However, when the goods are lost, they will not lose. After hearing the silence, they will squint and say: "Cut! What's the big deal! It's not dead! If you can bear it, kill me, frown. Not a hero!"

敖 敖 敖 : : : : : : : 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖

"Hey, my Royal Highness, don't! But although I am not afraid of death, but it is better to die than to die. Can you talk about it, can you let me go?" Blackheart 9 comforts himself, anyway, she is a little girl, hero What a hero, go and go!

Tenth. Continue at noon tomorrow, and ask for a wave of votes every day.

(End of this chapter)

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