Chapter 2970, the sad reminder of being roasted

Obscenity still apparently underestimated the cheeky face of Black Heart Nine.

Some of the nine eyeballs in the eight shells of the king are sloping, and now it is best to "drag". As long as the first silence is delayed, she will be able to find a chance to get out. If you are not good enough, you can come and save her when Xiaobai’s face comes out of the secret.

The goods thought of the emperor, and could not help but stunned. When Xiaobai’s face left, she would not let her mix the Yi people. She sneaked over, and Xiaobai’s face might not necessarily clean her up!

The silence finally eased, and sneered two times: "The beginning of the cloud, I did not expect that your human face is so thick, you should not dream! You have repeatedly broken the big things of our Yi people, I want to let me put it. You? No way!"

"Come, come to me and put it on me!" 敖 敖 恨 不能 不能 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖If it weren't for her, the Yi people had already broken the line of protection of the Terran. If it weren't for her, he would not use the Yi ban to increase the spiritual power at the cost of burning vitality.

With a sigh of silence, there was a man who hanged the octopus of the cloud, and then sang the fire below.

Black heart is awkward, stupid! I really thought that I could burn my aunt? ! Grandma has a fireball! Don't say this ordinary fire, that is, the fire of the year will not burn her.

This cargo turned his eyes, this is a good way to delay the time, so the goods began to self-directed:

"Hey, hey, you are a black heart! You actually use this vicious way to deal with your benefactor! At that time I sent you a letter to let you run, you are not running, you rely on me?"

"Baked me! Quiet, I tell you, I can't spare you even if I become a grilled fish!"

"I think I have a generation of Tianjiao at the beginning of the cloud, and finally turned into a grilled fish fillet. There is really no reason!"


The Yi soldiers who watched the fire around the fire looked at each other. The human skull was baked and died. Can it still be so loud? It’s amazing!

Because the voice of Black Heart Nine is too loud, the silence came out of the big account of the proceedings, and he snorted: "At the beginning of the cloud, if you want to be grilled by fire, you will come out from the turtle shell, maybe this Prince. I can spare you a life."

At the beginning of the cloud, I said, hey! Deceived! She will go out unless she is in the head, and she will only go out of her way.

敖 见 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云

So, the black heart nine called again, what is too hot, and what will be dead for a while, anyway, the entire Yi resident can hear the screams of this goods.

The Yi people hated this bad thing package, and those who did not have a garrison mission ran over to see the excitement and spontaneously throw firewood on the fire.

After a few days, the bushes next to the Yi people’s station were used to roast the clouds, but it’s a pity that the black heart nine still smashed two scorpions from time to time.

"Hey, those stupid people who burned the fire, don't waste this firewood! You put some monster meat on the side of me, remember to apply some salt and honey to the top, and it's incredible!"

"Or, you buried some sweet potatoes below, and the taste is very good!"

"I don't mean you, you guys, there is no fun in life, and this brain is not enough. Waste is shameful. Don't hurry up and practice?"


(End of this chapter)

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