Chapter 2998 What is the name of the Holy Spirit?


Black heart nine hearts are like a dog! Is it because she gave the name to the sluts, so she was recently retributed?

It’s like killing Xiaojiu and it’s like a flower. Is it too sad to remind you? !

Although the goods were unwilling to be 10,000, but they respectfully said: "If you thank the princess for giving the name, the slave will retire."

After the cloud first smashed out, the princess screamed coldly: "Hey, the sacred still does not see the palace, this palace thinks a lot of ways to approach him, but it is useless. The palace is a princess of the Yi people. I couldn’t even see him, and the palace really wanted to break in."

祁嬷嬷 祁嬷嬷 一 : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 公主 公主 公主 公主 公主 公主 公主 公主 公主I am wounded in bed!"

"That, it is because the emperor is a man, this palace does not believe, I am a petite daughter's house, he will treat me as rudely." The princess said with annoyance.

"This, the princess, the old slave heard that the sacred temper is quite large, and those who are waiting for him are being shot for three days and two, and some have lost their lives directly, so you still don't touch the sacred head."

Besides, the saints live in our palace and will have a chance to meet sooner or later. It is better to go around the temple often, maybe one day the holy deity will just come out. Besides, even if you don't encounter the Holy One, he will be heart-warming when he sees you so sincerely. "祁嬷嬷 advised.

Forget the princess nodded: "Well, there is only this way! That palace will take the flower to the temple near tomorrow, you will give a few sets of green clothes for the flower, this palace feels more compatible with her." ""

I promised, and my heart said that the big red lips are matched with the green ladies' clothes, which is ugly and horrible!

After he came out, he called the black heart nine to the side: "If the flower, the princess will take you to the vicinity of the temple tomorrow, you are smart, don't touch the princess's mold. In addition, these sets of women's clothes are yours. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the sly woman’s clothes in the hands of the green and green oil. The eyes twitched. Is this the rhythm of the red and green racing shit?

He lowered his voice and said: "Small girl, I think you are pleasing to the eye. I remind you that if you want to be hurt, you must stop the princess from forcing the temple. Otherwise, the princess will not be good, you are good. No!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded gratefully and did not ask. You can guess without asking, it is nothing more than that the princess who is worried about the flower is ruthless, unrequited love!

Perhaps because the shape of Black Heart Nine is too ugly, the palace lady who has forgotten the palace has not crowded her, and with this sweet mouth, she quickly explored things seven or eight.

The Holy Spirit arrived at the Yi Palace about two months ago. As for what the Holy Spirit is doing, they are not very clear.

They have never seen the appearance of the saints. It is said that the saints usually wear masks, but the saints despise the temperament of the world, and the natural gas of the heavens makes all the people who see him involuntarily think. To surrender.

The beginning of the cloud echoed two sentences, and my heart was awkward, hehe! What despise the temperament of the world, the natural gas of heaven, is nothing more than the power of the high power of them.

Also with a mask? Obviously no face to see people! What kind of **** is this holy buddy?

(End of this chapter)

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