Chapter 2999 likes this tone

The next day, the forgotten princess really took the black heart nine and several palace ladies to the vicinity of the temple.

Forgetting the princess to see the cloud at the beginning of the red and green shape is quite satisfactory, let the rest of the palace ladies back, let Yunchu squatting beside her.

At the beginning of the cloud, he took care of the princess and looked at the temple not far away.

She did not see anything special, nothing more than a grandiose, seemingly no different from the general palace.

The Princess of Forgetting was calm at first, and soon became impatient.

"When is this turn around, when can I see the Holy One? This palace will break into it today, and this palace will not believe that the Holy Spirit really wants to fly this palace!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes twitched, and it’s okay for you to die, but if you are dethroned, she has no chance to approach the holy one.

So, Black Heart turned his eyes and said: "Princess, the palace door of this temple can block the line of sight, but can't stop the sound, it's better to play a piece of music and sing a song, maybe you can bring out the holy." ”

Forgetting the princess felt that Yun’s first words made sense, so he began to play the piano outside the temple.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that this princess was really good, but I was afraid that I was playing the piano.

Sure enough, the princess who cherished the singer was singing and playing, and for a long time, there was no reaction in the temple. It was like a slap.

Forget the princess suddenly angered: "If you spend, since the idea is yours, you sing! If you can't sing the holy singer, don't eat at night!"

Black heart nine hearts are like a dog! Who is she who provokes? !

She will not sing the broken songs of the Yi people! This kind of goods was a move, and the hymns that Dibei 溟 sang to her were translated into ancient proverbs, and they sang.

Forget the princess and listen to the straight frown: "What sings you messed up! Who are you sleeping in the daytime? Come, take it, stick the stick!"

When the black heart is trying to justify, the gate of the temple is open!

Almost everyone is stunned!

Does this flower really sing the holy sage?

Everyone's eyes were gathered on the man standing in front of the temple. The man was dressed in black and had a silver mask on his face. It was just such a figure that the sorrowful princess excitedly fainted.

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes twitched, but she had to admit that the so-called sacred deity did have some tyranny, but it was comparable to Xiaobai.

The goods squinted at the eyes, how do you feel that this sacred figure is like a little white face?

The goods shook her head, she was really confused!

How could a small white face appear here? Besides, Xiaobai face is usually dressed in white, and rarely wears black clothes.

Moreover, the temperament of Xiaobai's face is arrogant, and this sacred mania has a hint of gloom, so he can't be a little white face.

At this point, the Worried Princess woke up, and the excited trembling said: "Forget the sorrow and see the Holy Spirit. Holy sacred, forget the worry since I saw you last time, it is my heart. Today's weather is just right, it is better. Why don't we go to the back garden to enjoy the flowers?"

The sage looked coldly at the princess and said, "You, get out! She, come over."

Everyone was dumbfounded!

The "you" that the saint said clearly refers to the princess who forgets the worry, and the "she" refers to the flower?


Did the original sacred like this tone? I knew this, they are also red and green!

Continue at three in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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