Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3143: Emperor Beibei had an accident

Chapter 3143, Emperor Beibei had an accident.

Baili’s head blushes and says: “The people you let me arrest have already been arrested. Through interrogation, they are indeed the people of the demon temple. They are only the lowest level of personnel, and there is no value. The clue.

Moreover, that Liu Shun had been killed before we found him. ”

Yunchu had long anticipated this, so it was not too unexpected. She turned her head and asked the lord: "Small nephew, when you interrogated yesterday, are you there?"

The main face of the league was stiff and then nodded.

"In this case, when the two parties are in peace talks, you as a third party can just be a witness. Xiao Baili, the mixed Yuanzong must also have the spies of the demon temple. In the recent period, you will focus on this matter. If there is nothing, the ancestors went to the library to read."

Everyone looked at each other, and finally the head of Baili asked: "Yun Xiaozu, can you tell us about the passage of the two ancestors?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I had already laid down the draft and made a pass. The best thing about this product is to say something, and the head of Baili has no doubts.

This cargo did not tell everyone the news that Yuan Tian's ancestors and Hongyuan's ancestors were dead. This product feels that everyone thinks that the two ancestors are still alive, and they will have some jealousy in their hearts, so as not to be disadvantageous to her.

At the beginning of the cloud, there was nothing to ask everyone. This was the giant rabbit with a bunch of rabbits left the House of the Chamber.

The head of Baili and others looked at her back, silently sighed, and there was an ancestor out of thin air, which was hard to say!

On the other side of the Yuan Yuanzong, there was also a news that caught some of the spies of the Temple of the Devil, but there were not many valuable clues.

At the beginning of the cloud, I had to admire the Lord of the Devil's Temple. The information confidentiality work was done very well. She had been dealing with the Demon Temple for so long. The only thing about the Temple of the Devil was to understand the tip of the iceberg.

This cargo has been reading books in the library building these days, but the results have been minimal, and no information on antidote and weeds has been found.

Moreover, the Tianlei who had hoped for it did not come to marry her, and the mood of Black Heart Nine became less bright!

The mood of this goods is not good, and the entire mixed yuan sects are suffering.

As a result, the disciples of the mixed Yuanzong evaded the ancestor as a god, for fear of being angered by her.

There is only one wish for Baili’s head now, that is, hurry to three months, and quickly send the ancestor to Qi Yuanzong, don’t toss them anymore!

On this day, when the ancestors were making a fortune, the sounds in the storage ring trembled.

At the beginning of the cloud, I took it and saw it. It turned out that the blood was coming from the endless.

At the beginning of the cloud, he quickly plunged into the gods, and there was a voice of infinite anxiety. "Xiaojiu’s sister, the emperor’s old sinister! We can only use your blood to temporarily save his life, you must immediately come."

At the beginning of the cloud, his head slammed and almost fell from the giant rabbit.

She is steady and steady: "Tell me where you are, I will rush over."

"The ancient ice sheet of the ancient icefield, Xiaojiu sister is very dangerous here, you must be careful."

"I know."


Everyone saw that the face of the cloud was very bad, and they didn’t dare to ask for fun. They were all scattered.

At the beginning of the cloud, I rode a giant rabbit and found the door of Baili: "Xiaobaili, I have to rush to leave, but I am afraid that the demon temple will stare at me, so you can cooperate with me to help me distract the sight of the demon temple." ""

(End of this chapter)

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