Chapter 3144 Ancient Ice Sheet

"Yun Xiaozu, you have to leave? Where are you going? Go to Yuan Yuanzong?" asked Baili's head.

"No, I am going to save people, a person who is very important to me. You don't have to ask more, just do what I said." Yun said in a cold voice.

It was discovered by the head of Baili that this bad thing was dignified and apparently a major event happened.

"Cloud Xiaozu, do you need a gang to help?"

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake shook his head: "No, I can do things myself. It is not too late, you should follow what I said."

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought that some people with the mixed Yuanzong went with her, but the ancient ice sheet was very cold, and the ice sheet was cold and biting. She had a thousand years of fire on her body to resist the cold, and others would not.

Bringing people is a drag, and she is not sure who is in the mixed Yuanzong who is the spy of the Demon Temple. If the wolf is introduced into the room, it will be worth more.

After Yunchu and Baili’s head said her plan, it was time to return to the dormitory and start some preparatory work.

In the afternoon, the mixed yuan sect passed the news.

Two months later, the mixed Yuanzong held a grand ceremony for the closing disciples of Yuntian, who became the ancestors of Yuantian, and invited all the heroes to visit.

The next day, the mixed yuan sects began to send disciples to various martial arts families to send invitations.

An Linchuan and Shangguanyu were also assigned tasks. Of course, they also had an important task to bring out the clouds and unconsciously out of the mixed Yuanzong.

After the flying spirits flew hundreds of miles, it was found that there was no abnormality in the left and right, and the flying spirits landed in a valley.

"Small nine sisters, is it a big god? You really don't need us to help?" An Linchuan asked with concern, and he forgot to call Yunxiaozu in anxious.

The seriousness of the small face in the early days of the cloud: "I can go on my own, you usually send invitations, don't show your feet."

An Linchuan and Shangguantun had nodded and answered. Looking at Yun’s early squatting on another short spur on another flying weapon, the two of them were very confused. They couldn’t help but they could only pray. The nine divisions are all going well.

After the separation between Yunchu and Anlinchuan, the speed of the flying spirit is reached to the limit. She must hurry up. If she is late, she may regret life.

If it weren’t for the attention of the temple, she hated not to leave immediately.

When the clouds begin to gallop all the way, when they sleep at night, they let the nightmare beasts take charge of the warning, and they don’t dare to delay.

On the road, the cloud and the bloodless pass through several voices, she did not dare to contact too often, if the voice of the problem, it is really worse.

At the beginning of the cloud, he quickly rushed to the edge and finally reached the edge of the ancient ice sheet after half a month.

Even on the fringe, it has already made people feel the bitter cold.

The ancient icefield was forbidden to fly, and the first day of the cloud had to ride the giant rabbit all the way.

When the giant rabbit was not physically fit, the first flight of the cloud ran on the little red fox and flew forward almost day and night.

Due to the pressure of the release of the cloud, the monsters were not blocked at first, after all, the level of the beasts living in the margins was not high.

The bloodless voice is ringing again: "Small nine sisters, only the last three bottles of blood, you speed up!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I frowned. Three bottles of blood could last for up to six days, which means that she had to rush to the ice in six days. The time was very urgent.

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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