Chapter 3180, it has to break through.

After more than half an hour passed, the black heart couldn't stop, so the embarrassing moment broke into the ice cave of the ancient ice.

"Little monkey, take a break at the middle, you will be at the top for a while!"

Eat melons and ancient hail: "..."


Why let it top? Who is she? Without such a bully!

The dark clouds in the sky do not know the relationship between the clouds and the ancient hail, so the ancient hail is unfortunately reminded again!

"Little monkey, you are really dead-eyed, you will not change parts? Your head will become bald again!" Yun Qiyi said while combing the body of the violent Lei Lingli thief.

亘古冰犼: "..."

Did you even abandon it? Does she still have a face to say that it is dead? If it weren't for her, would it be embarrassing?

Although the ancient ice scorpion hated the beginning of the cloud, but still slightly turned the direction, after all, the curl is much better than the bald.

Besides, this snow and ice, no hair, it is cold!

The inside of the ice cave quickly filled the smell of burning hair, and the black heart said with a nose: "The smell is too bad! You still go out!"

亘古冰犼: "..."

What's special!

This is its hole! Its hole! ! Its hole! ! !

This stinking shame film actually let it go out? The dark clouds in the sky are estimated to have hated it, and if it goes out, it has to be smashed into ash!

I don’t think I’ve ever been so guilty. I’m not afraid that the ice hole is occupied by the nest, and it’s too shameful to catch it.

When the ancient ice is right, don't want to, the black heart nine once again smashed out: "Wang Bayun, Miss Sister is out again! Oh me! Come and hurt each other! Let's come together!"

The dark clouds in the sky feel that it is going to be mad! Throughout the ages, I have never heard of such a perverted human being, this is simply a professional cloud!

The dark clouds smashed and smashed, and it was a smashing. When the black heart couldn’t stand it, it broke into the ice cave again. The unfortunate smashing ancient ice shovel had to re-cylinder again...

Finally, the dark clouds in the sky were gone, and when it left, it was snowing. It was its tears! It’s too special!

I haven't had time to find a black heart and nine accounts, and the black heart is stunned and suddenly went out: "Little monkey, thank you! You see your new style is shiny!"

The ancient ice shovel suddenly took out the ice hole and took a photo on the smooth mirrored ice wall. I saw that the original white hair was now curled and still braving the black. smoke……

Hey! Hey!

The ancient hail is simply mad! Roaring and chasing after the black heart, it now has only one goal, that is to eat the black heart and liver skunk!

After the ancient hail chasing and chasing, I found that the human singer’s brilliance flashed, apparently a breakthrough!

The ancient hail is very unbalanced in my heart. This stinky head is a good luck. I have not been killed by the Thunder, but it has broken through! Really mad!

I have just thought of this here, I saw that the little girl was once again flashing, and it suddenly rose to two levels? It’s really a dog, a donkey, and a transport!

Then, it found that the cloud was once again shining brightly...

What's special, can't live! It suddenly rose to the third level!

When the ancient ice scorpion was angry, it was so violent to discover that it had to break through...

(End of this chapter)

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