Chapter 3181 Eighth Floor

It’s been a long time since the ancient ice sheet was in the forty-sixth stage. I never dreamed that I had to break through now.


It’s a heavenly eye!

It must be that God sees it is too wrong, so give it compensation!

Hey, it finally believes that the beast has a good report!

When Black Heart Jiu was burying his head and running hard, he found that there was no movement behind him. He curiously turned his head and saw that the brilliance of the ancient ice owl was flashing. Why did this break through?

Blackheart blinked and thought, it broke through, just can continue to do her sparring, which is also considered to help her pay for the top tank.

Black Heart Nine is staring at the ancient hail, and she is thinking that she has risen to the third level. It is already seven layers of spiritual space. After the realm is stabilized, she will practice for a while and then let the weeds and black beads help. When she hits Dantian, she can break through to the eighth floor of Lingkong.

At that time, she can go down to Wan Bingyuan to see the little white face...

After the breakthrough of the ancient hail, I saw the beginning of the cloud that was not far away from it.

At the beginning of the cloud, I waved my little paws: "Little monkey, congratulations! Are you thankful for me? If you were not me, can you change such a shiny shape? If it weren't me, can you break through?" ”

I am so screaming at the ancient ice, thank you? It is grateful to her eight generations of ancestors!

The ancient hail rushed toward the black heart, and the black heart was running forward, and he ran and said: "Little monkey, you are really ungrateful! You not only don't thank me, but still want to eat me? Your Doesn't the conscience hurt?"

"Little monkey, not that I said you, just the original scum of your original shape, now this style is more shiny! I believe that you will soon get rid of the title of Wannian single dog, you will soon find a small wife. of!"


The ancient hail is shy and annoyed, hate to make a black heart nine into a meatloaf!

It’s just that the black heart is not slipping, and it’s hard to catch up. After playing for a while, she will slip away.

When the ancient ice scorpion gasped and rested, she went forward and provoked her, and the savage ancient ice sorrow felt that her head was smouldering!

In the next period of time, in addition to cultivation, Black Heart 9 is looking for an ancient hail to fight.

Of course, at the beginning, the goods were only abused, and the enemy was chased by the ancient ice scorpion. However, she will be able to support it for a while.

The time passed quickly. Due to the diligent cultivation of the black heart, the Lei Lingli in Dantian was saturated again. She felt that it was time to hit the eight layers of the spirit.

Black Heart Nine found a place away from the ancient hail, let the little black mouse dug an ice hole, and after entering, began to let the weeds and black beads use her spirits to impact her dantian.

After three days, the spiritual power of Black Heart Nine finally rose to the eighth floor of the spirit.

The face of Yunchu’s face finally showed a bright smile, and she finally could see the little white face! She didn't want to go down to see him in the ice, but just didn't feel like seeing him, now it's finally!

The black heart was out of the ice hole, and when it was going to go to the ice, the sounds in the storage ring trembled.

When Yun’s first look came out, it was sent by Ye Laotai. After she went into the knowledge of her, the words of Mrs. Ye’s face made her face suddenly sink.

"Small nine hoes, came to a group of people, said that it is your father's family, they are very very spiritual. They said that if you do not come back immediately, they will destroy the Ye family."

Continue at seven.

(End of this chapter)

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