Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3687: I am thinking about the big picture.

Chapter 3687 is for the sake of the overall situation.

Jing Lidi and others can't believe their ears. Did this little girl's conscience find out? Even so willing to give up the fat to the mouth?

The beginning of the cloud seems to have seen the suspicion of everyone, immediately took out the covenant from the storage ring, and tore a crush: "The covenant has been destroyed, you should always believe it?"

Jing Lidi and others believed that Yun Chuan said that it was true. Immediately, he was ecstatic, and he kept saying compliments, and he could not boast of a cloud.

Sima Yi on the side is like a dog, are they crazy or stupid? Did you give up this good opportunity over the Eight Kingdoms?

After Jing Lie and others praised the black heart, they suddenly felt that the food was fragrant, and the wine was thick, and the mood was so beautiful!

"People, leaving the hate palace will retreat in a few days, you said how should we divide the forces of the hate palace?" Yun said with a smile.

Jing Liedi immediately said with excitement: "We will not compete with everyone in the Kingdom of Heaven. Just divide the area near the Lotus City into us and change the kingdom of heaven."

When I heard that Jing Lidi said this, the monarchs of other countries would have a hard time looking.

"Jing Lie, you are when we are fools? There are two spiritual veins near the Lotus City. It is the most affluent place in the sphere of influence of the hate palace. Why do you change the kingdom of heaven?"

Jing Lie's face is red and arguing: "Why? We rely on us to change the kingdom of this country to produce the most, and naturally we should change from heaven to the first choice."

"Hey! You are stinky! How do you get the most out of the world? Do you have more power in our heavens?"

"What do you think of Zhu Tianguo?! Or we have a lot of power in the heavens, and the Lotus City should be ours!"


At the beginning of the cloud, the fruit is smashed, and the cold eyes are watching the people who are arguing with Jing Lidi and others. If you can’t make a difference, let’s see if you haven’t withdrew from the hate palace. Now!

Just as the eight monarchs tore their faces, the teacup in the hands of Yunchu fell to the ground.

The cracked sound of the teacup finally calmed down Jing Lidi and other people with blushing neck and neck, and then looked at the cloud at first sight.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said coldly: "Is it fun? Do you think there will be results in such a debate?"

Jing Lidi and others looked at each other with dissatisfaction, but they did not say anything.

The tone of the beginning of the cloud has become even more icy: "You can foresee the prospects of our southern continent soon. The crowd will definitely fight for the division of the hate palace. Maybe the eight countries will fight, and finally they will fly a chicken. Dog jump!

At this time, the hate palace will definitely come back, and when it is broken, you are waiting to be the king of the country! ”

Although Jing Lidi and others did not say anything, they were obviously not convinced. They felt that it was an alarmist.

"I feel that I am scaring you. If you don't make a comeback from the hate palace, there will be other forces in the North China to infiltrate."

The Southland is a piece of fat in the eyes of the North China! I hate not to take a bite! If we are in a mess in the South China, they must infiltrate in various names. When it is time to say no to your throne, everyone must be a slave to the North Continent!

Do you think that you have signed a gamble before you want to take advantage of your cheap? wrong! Big mistake! I am thinking about the big picture, so I am willing to be a villain! ”

Continue at four o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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