Chapter 3688 is what you think.

Yun Chuan said here, glanced at Jing Lidi and others, and then said: "Only our Dongfengguo is a little stronger than your strength, in order to have the right to speak to maintain peace in the nine countries.

You must feel that this is a hypocrisy, but for you, what rights and the throne are extremely important. For you, these are just too many words. I never care about this. I have always been a person who is indifferent to fame and fortune. . ”

Everyone: "..."

Indifferent to fame and fortune? Do you think this is a painful face?

"And, you can assure you that the pattern of the coexistence of the nine countries of the South China will not change. Your life is no different from before.

Moreover, all the Lingshi veins in your country that were originally controlled by the hate palace are returned to you. We don’t take the Dongfengguo branch!

How to choose your own choice, you will never force you, after all, you are a reasonable person. ”

After the beginning of the cloud, I looked at Jing Lidi and others, and I looked at you casually.

At the beginning of the banquet, Jing Lidi and others have not torn their faces. At this time, it is natural to discuss them. But now, they all look at each other's dissatisfaction, and they will discuss it, but they are planning their own plans.

I have to admit that this Shantou film said that there are some truths. If the site of the hate palace is not evenly divided, it is necessary to cause war. The people of the Northland may come in vain.

According to the previous said, it is a way to hand over the site of the hate palace to Dongfengguo. After all, although this Shantou film has a lot of bad water, she does not dare to take the world by fear. It is really open to their eight countries. .

Besides, this is because people have voluntarily given up their gambling promises. If they are more serious, they have no other choice.

As a result, Jing Lidi and others stiffened their faces, and finally agreed to give the entire territory of the hate palace to Dongfengguo.

The black heart is not ecstatic, but it is just a slap in the face, quite a kind of tactical force.

Jing Lie and others waited for a while before eating and then left.

After Sima Yixiang sent everyone away, first congratulated and praised the black heart for a few words, and then some suspiciously asked: "Your Majesty, you ruined the covenant, they are not afraid that they disagree with your opinion?"

The black heart nine hooked the corner of the mouth, and there was a covenant in his hand. The faint said: "The ruined one is just a piece of waste paper! When did you make such a loss?"

Sima Yixiang: "..."

"Your Majesty, what do we do next? Dongfengguo and the hate palace are separated by the Heavenly Kingdom and the Yangtian Kingdom. It may be inconvenient to manage it at the time!" Sima Yi looked at the map.

"Is there any inconvenience?! Dongfengguo is in the middle of the Nine Kingdoms. It is no better to develop business. As for the site that originally left the Hate Palace, it is the capital of the Qingtian Empire!"

Sima Yi has a pair of old eyes, can't believe his ears, the empire?

"Your Majesty, you, what do you mean?"

"It's the meaning you think!" Black Heart Nine hooked the corner of the mouth: "I don't want to set the name first, first accept the site from the hate palace. After the Jing Lie emperor, they have already given back a step, they will retreat. The second step, the third step.

They have been enslaved from the hate palace for so many years, and they have shown that they are very timid and will agree with the idea.

Besides, the establishment of the Qingtian Empire is not to take away their throne, just to make them all affiliated countries, no big deal, you set about doing it! ”

(End of this chapter)

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