Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3689: Qingtian Empire (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 3689 Qingtian Empire (seeking a monthly pass)

Sima Yixiang did not know how he got out of the big account, and he was really shocked by the planning of their next step!

From a minister of the third-class country who was picked up by the inferior continent, it has become a female emperor of the Tiannan continent in less than two years. This is something that ordinary people can't dream of.

However, his family has done it!

There is no background in his family, and there is no superb spiritual power. It is only by wisdom that he has unified the Qingtiannan continent. What a feat? !

Sima Yixiang only felt that the heart was stirring a kind of excitement that could not be spoken. If he wanted to come, he would be the blessing of their majesty.

Originally it was only the prime minister of a third-class country. Now it seems to be the prime minister of the Qingtian Empire. It’s true that the graves of the ancestors are smoking!

In the big account of the proceedings, the blood is infinitely martyrdom: "Small nine sisters, in the aspect of conspiracy and tricks, my brother is not as good as himself! You play with the people's ability, my brother will not learn in his next life."

At the beginning of the cloud, he glanced at him: "My brother, how do I feel that you are not boasting me, but I am sarcastic about me?"

The bloodless step laughed: "I am 80% affected by the two dogs, and good words are bad."

At the beginning of the cloud, she licked her mouth, and she was very helpless! Insufficient spiritual power can only be combined with intelligence, do not play some intrigues, how can she quickly expand her power! How can I make money quickly! She still has to raise the big money to burn money!

After half a month, the people who left the hate palace really withdrew from the South.

The people of Dongfengguo took over the site of the hate palace, and the cloud was also taken for granted by the hate palace.

When the goods were afraid of retreating from the hate palace, what kind of arrays were arranged in the palace, and they searched dozens of times inside and out, confirming that there was nothing wrong with this, and then they lived in.

When I retired from the Hate Palace, not only did the good things in the palace be taken away, but even the veins plundered a large part with barbaric means.

Clouds have long anticipated this, so it is not too unexpected. After all, this loss is negligible compared to the protracted war.

After another half a month, after Dong Fengguo completely controlled the situation, Black Heart Jiu sent a copy of the book to the eight people of Jing Lie, and translated it into a vernacular:

People, we can't have a headless dragon in this southern continent. I just want to go and think, only the best is this leader!

Although I was younger and my qualifications were not enough, I was very good at it, and I still had a good fiancé, so I decided to set up the Optimus Empire ten days later, and then I stumbled on the face!

Don't think about it, because opposition is also ineffective! Although I always love peace, I really don’t want to be afraid of you!

Besides, even if you are the female emperor of the Qingtian Empire, your position as a monarch is still appropriate, and it is no harm to you! So you will accept it!

Finally, remind you, remember to bring a generous gift when you come! Otherwise, you will be unhappy!

When Jing Lie and others received the national book, they were dizzy with five. The other three were not stunned, but they were also angry. This Fenghua female emperor is too shameless!

Qingtian Empire? Say good peace and coexistence? Say that the situation of the nine countries standing together will not be broken?

Isn't this a disguised form of turning them into affiliated countries? Turn them all into her courtiers?

It turned out that this step is her plan, they are simply blinded, I think she is a good, she is simply a devil who eats people!

Eighth, continue at noon tomorrow, what? Remember to vote, how much better!

(End of this chapter)

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