Chapter 3727, No. 9 Forged Sword Hall

When the cloud was irritated, he heard a violent voice: "Where is the broom star?! Get out! Don't delay the old man forging the sword!"

The black heart nine looked down at the sound, and saw that there was a dark refining furnace in the yard. The four tiger-backed disciples were squatting with a special hammer and smashing a red-hot sword billet. Standing on a thin, middle-aged man like a stalk, staring at her in a poor look.

Obviously, the violent drink just made was sent by this middle-aged man.

The first thought that flashed in the black heart of the nine minds is, hey, this person is like a monkey, but I didn’t expect the voice to be quite loud.

The middle-aged man did not move at the beginning of the cloud, and his face was even more ugly: "What are you doing?" Don't you know that when you are forging a sword, the most taboo is that a woman is present? Get out of the way! Otherwise, blame me. You are welcome!"

When the first half of the cloud heard the words of the middle-aged people, the first thing was a glimpse. Then there was a satirical smile on his face. The most taboo woman was present?

There is no reason to find this, so let the woman back the pot?

The middle-aged man saw the beginning of the cloud, but he did not leave. He also showed a satirical smile. He suddenly became angry and angry: "Are you a blind man or a fool? Didn't you hear what I said? Don't leave soon?!"

"Sorry, the head of the giant let me come, so I am afraid I can only stay here." Yun said at a faint beginning.

The middle-aged man frowned. "Do you come to the door?"

Yun Chuan handed the literary cloak of the Miscellaneous Hall to the middle-aged man, and then curiously watched the four disciples squatting with the sword slab, and silently made up their minds, she did not do the work of this idiot. It!

After seeing Wenyu, the middle-aged man said with anger: "It’s really deceiving! Although this forged sword hall has no explicit provisions, it has always been the default not to be a female servant. This is a gimmick for me. Pure heart disgusting me?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I silently added this middle-aged man to the black account book in my heart, disgusting you? What's special, let you know what is really disgusting sooner or later!

The middle-aged man squatted for a while, then turned his eyes to the black heart nine, quite disgusting and said: "You will wipe the sword in the backyard of the forging hall, don't go to the front yard. Later, you will enter the forging sword hall and walk from the back door. Did you hear it?"

Although Yunchu’s heart licked the middle-aged man’s **** sprinkler, he promised a good answer.

The middle-aged man waved his hand impatiently: "Since I understand it, I quickly go to the backyard, lest this sword be ruined! It’s really awkward to send a gimmick film!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He immediately went to the backyard and saw a pile of swords on the ground in the backyard. It was either broken in the middle, or the blade was not sharp, and some shapes were irregular. In short, all are defective products.

At the beginning of the cloud, the middle-aged man thought that the middle-aged person should not wipe the defective products. So he found it in the backyard and finally found a warehouse with the finished sword.

The number is not a lot, and there is nothing more than dust on it. It is not difficult to wipe it.

When Yunchu saw it here, the impression of the middle-aged man was a good one. At least he did not specifically look for things to torture her.

At the beginning of the cloud, he did not immediately wipe the swords. Instead, he turned around in the backyard and planned to find a room to be his own dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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