Chapter 3728 East West North

At the beginning of the cloud, there were two empty rooms in addition to the warehouse and several rooms that already had residents.

She compared it and finally chose the one on the far side, so that it would be cleaner than another dormitory.

When Yunchu was cleaning the house, he heard the voice of the middle-aged man who was not angry: "Broom star, come out to eat!"

Cloud early: "..."

At the beginning of the cloud, it was not easy to press the heart of the wild, and went out of the house. I saw that the middle-aged man and the four disciples were sitting next to the stone table.

At the beginning of the cloud, I glanced at the food on the stone table. I couldn’t help but lick my mouth. This nameless sword school is also a big name. This food is too bad, right?

A large pot of steamed buns, a pot of fried greens, half pot of egg-flower soup, this is the dinner of five big men? As for this meal, I don’t know how the four disciples were so strong and strong.

However, when she first came, she naturally couldn't say anything. She picked up a **** and didn't eat vegetables. When she chewed it, she swallowed it. Anyway, there are many delicious food rings in her storage ring.

The middle-aged man saw that he had just eaten a hoe. He couldn’t help but screamed: "This girl is a squeamy. Isn’t this a bad meal? The person who cultivates should not pay attention to the appetite, can eat enough. Very good."

In the beginning of the cloud, I meditate in my heart, do not listen to it, Wang Wan chanting!

After eating dinner, Yunxiao smiled and asked: "My name is Yunchu, I don't know how many people call it?"

The four disciples saw the beginning of the cloud and smiled very brightly. Some of them were embarrassed and scratched their hair. They all said: "Yun Shimei, my name is Zhugedong."

"Zhu Ge Nan."

"Zhu Gexi."

"Zhuge North."

Cloud early: "..."

Southeast and northwest? These four are brothers? Looking at the long is not like it?

Although the goods are very doubtful in my heart, but on the face, I smiled and said: "It’s too strange to call Yunshimei, you will call me Xiaojiu!"

The middle-aged man said with no anger: "What is small and small, don't hurry to wash the dishes!"

After the cloud lingered in the heart and silently licked the **** several times, this smiled and said: "Yes, I will go to the dishes! But what do you call it?"

The middle-aged man snorted: "My name is Zhuge, and it is my name."

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart suddenly flashed the light of the gossip. Hey, this thin monkey is also named Zhuge? Is it difficult for him to become a son in the southeast and northwest?

Hey, I didn’t expect this skinny monkey to be physically weak, but the son who was born was light and strong. Is it with their mother?

The middle-aged man saw Yun’s first stupid standing in the stupidity. It was even more disgusting. This girl’s film was not only low in spiritual power, but also her brain was not good. Yu Fugui gave such waste to him. It’s purely disgusting to him. hateful!

When Zhuge Dong saw the beginning of the cloud, he was a little distracted, and he coughed a little. The first time the cloud came back, he said, "The owner, you talked first, I went to the dishes."

After the beginning of the cloud, I cleaned up the dishes and went to the pool in the yard to wash the dishes. While washing, I erected my ears and listened to the Zhugetang masters.

"The owner, we are afraid that we will not be able to complete the task this month." Zhugexi sighed and said.

Zhugebei said with a sigh of relief: "It doesn't matter to us, the quality of the ore we give to us is so low, we can forge these finished products very well!"

Continue at 4:30.

(End of this chapter)

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