Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3756: Black heart nine that is going to starve

Chapter 3756 is going to starve to death.

Black Heart Nine thought of what was in the **** hole house, it must be very boring, so he yelled and yelled the two dogs and hugged them in his arms.

The disciples of the two Discipline Church saw the two dogs, and they were a little surprised. The two looked at each other and did not say anything.

At the beginning of the cloud, the people of the Precepts Hall walked for a long time, and then reached the bottom of a mountain.

There are more than a dozen disciples of the unnamed swordsmen under the mountain peak. After examining the literary works in the hands of the disciples, they gave each of them a jade card.

When Yunchu was wondering why he was given a jade card, he was urged to board a stone platform.

When the white light flashed, when the black heart nine resumed sight, it had reached the top of the mountain. There was only one cave at the top and a platform less than one foot square. The stone walls on all sides were smooth as mirrors, and the grass was not born.

Looking down, you can only see the clouds lingering, making people feel inexplicably with a sense of fear and loneliness.

The people in the Precepts Hall said coldly to the beginning of the cloud: "You don't have to escape the idea of ​​escape. Not only is it forbidden to fly, but the spiritual power will also be imprisoned. Below are the deep valleys of the cliffs. If you fall, you will die!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "Reassured, I am very reluctant, and I will not run away."

The two disciples of the Precepts Hall took the jade card in the hands of Yunchu, and then stepped into the formation, and soon disappeared, and even the transmission array did not disappear.

The black heart looked at the ninety-four, and later discovered that the disciples of the two disciplines did not give her food! Whatever they are, they must be deliberate! Is it because I want to starve her? !

Maybe the two people are the elders of the old elders, that is, the idea of ​​starving her, it is hateful!

Fortunately, Xiao Jingjing has already woken up, even if she does not have the spiritual power, she can use the virtual reality, or she will really be starved to death!

The goods were obviously too happy. When she tried to communicate with the ball, the ball of yarn told her a sunny news!

"Master, quiet and dormant! You, you can find a way to find it yourself!"

Cloud early: "..."

What's special, this **** too virtual mirror is to want to sleep beautiful? Nothing to sleep, just sleep!

The black heart nine smashed the mirror of a dog's blood, and looked around the cliff without sorrow. There was no **** on the stone wall, and there was no grass. This is to starve her rhythm!

The goods went into the cave and looked at it again. Even in the daytime, the light inside was very dark. The black heart was even looking at the belt and found a circle. Except for a stone bed, there was no shit!

The black heart was out of the cave, and the **** sat on the ground, and it was over. I didn’t expect her to be so shocked and brilliant, and finally she was starved to death!

Soon, two days passed, and the black-eyed, hungry eyes were green! So, the goods fell on the two dogs.

The second dog immediately stunned: "Little fairy, you, you will not want to eat me? Although you are so bad, it is good, but I, I have not lived enough!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t take care of it. The meat that appeared in front of me was roast meat, stewed meat, fried meat...

The second dog saw the gaze of the cloud, and it was even worse. It was no wonder that the little girl had taken it out before. It was really too bad to prepare it as a reserve grain!

Black Heart Nine wiped the saliva of his mouth, and said to the two dogs: "You have to find a way to get some food for me, or I will eat you!"

(End of this chapter)

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