Chapter 3757 Rescuers came

The two dogs are crying!

What can it do? There are cliffs on all sides, and there is no way to save the grass. Is there any other way besides dedication?

The two dogs bite their teeth: "Little fairy, or else I bite one of my legs, do you fill the stomach first?"

At the beginning of the cloud, it was quite unexpected to look at the two dogs. The thinking of this beast is different, but I have to say that these two shortcomings are really silly and cute!

"Okay, I am too lazy to eat your doglegs! I want to do something else, I don't believe that I will starve to death at the beginning of the cloud!"

The second dog saw the cloud and didn't eat it. He suddenly shook his tail and said: "Little fairy, I know that you are the best for me! You can rest assured that your scourge can't be easily killed! There must be a way."

Black Heart Nine: "..."

What's special, now I want to eat a dog's leg swollen? !

Just when the black heart was hungry, the strange grass in the dantian trembled, and a crystal clear liquid appeared in the palm of the hand.

Black heart is a happy time, although the dog's tail is hateful, but sometimes it is quite cute.

The black heart immediately swallowed the drop of liquid, almost the moment of swallowing, the feeling of hunger and fatigue swept away, and the black heart was full of blood and resurrected!

The two dogs smelled shamelessly, and the palm of the hand was smashed, even if the residual liquid was enough for the two dogs to meet the ground.

This goods are pondering, hey, this thing is too delicious, right? It was too wise to make the decision to follow this little girl!

Nothing else, just for this thing is worth it!

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that the two dogs had no appearance, and they couldn’t bear to look straight. However, in my heart, I figured out that the next time I blame the grass and give her liquid, I will give the two dogs a little bit, so that it will not be so good.

The black heart was filled with nine stomachs, and he also came to the spirit head and began to look around with two dogs.

This kind of goods smells shameless. Generally speaking, such a high-income Dongfu generally does not have any secrets, treasures, etc., maybe she will be blessed in disguise!

Unfortunately, I checked it a dozen times and found nothing! And this article once again confirmed one thing, that is, it is really not a grass here! Nothing like moss!

This cargo is very fortunate to put the two dogs out in advance, or else she must be crazy here alone!

Black Heart Nine looks at those clouds, and you don’t want to regret it! At that time, she should have secretly released the small black cloud. Anyway, the pinch pinch can be reduced into a small group. Maybe she can sit in the dark clouds and look at the valley.

When Blackheart Jiu was thinking about it, he suddenly found that the sky was dull. When the goods looked up, I saw that a large cloud of dark clouds began to gather, and my heart suddenly broke out. Grandma’s bear would not come to marry her.

She is now trapped on the top of the mountain, avoiding it, and can't use spiritual power here, don't you die?

The two dogs also found that something was wrong, but the goods said happily: "Little fairy, your rescue is coming! I will say that you are harmless will be fine?! Hahaha! Sure enough to live for thousands of years!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I glanced at it: "Rescue? Is it clear that I want my life?! My fishing hook is no longer available, and it is no longer flying here. How can I cloud?"

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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