Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3804: New dormitory in the beginning of the cloud

Chapter 3804, the new dormitory of Yunchu

Speaking is a disciple of the Miscellaneous Hall. After listening to his words, he frowned. "Isn't the outside disciples all four people and one yard? Where is the single-family house?"

The disciple pointed his finger at a corner of the bulletin board: "In the case of management, have you forgotten that there is still a yard?"

Looking at the direction of the disciple's fingers, the brow wrinkled more tightly: "Noisy! You don't know that the yard is awkward, it has been abandoned for many years, how can you live?!"

"That is because the people who live in are ordinary people. The genius of Yunshimei lives in. Maybe there is nothing in it! You can't try it without Yunshimei?" The disciple said with a slight provocation.

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled a little: "Why don't you dare?! In the management, then I will live in that yard!"

In the management, I was trying to persuade a few words. It happened that somebody came over to find something to do with the management. The disciple took the jade card from the beginning of the cloud and helped to handle the formalities.

"Yun Shimei, when you arrive at the yard, you can open the yard with the identity jade card. In addition, unless you turn to an inner disciple, you can't change the yard." The disciple said that the last sentence was quite The meaning of gloating.

"I know, thank you for your brother's reminder." Yun began to look at the disciple with a faint look, and there was another person on the black account book.

The disciple couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He thought that when Yun Yun was going to find a cockroach, he didn't expect the cloud to be so slow.

In the management of the other side of the matter, I saw a green dot lit up in the corner of the bulletin board, and glanced at the disciple, and sighed in the heart, and the cloud first caught a yard like that, and I was blessed!

At the beginning of the cloud, he did not go directly to his new residence, but first arrived at the No. 9 Forging Sword Hall.

Zhugetang and East and West learned that Yunchu was turned into a foreign disciple, and it was very happy for Yunchu. After all, the treatment of foreign disciples was much stronger than the miscellaneous!

Zhuge North said with some reluctance: "Yun Shimei, are you going to move out in the future? You have to remember to come back to see us often!"

Zhuge Dong also said with a smile: "If you move out, when the four female disciples are in a yard, Yunshimei can make more friends."

Zhugebei snorted: "What is good?! Who knows how the three people who live together?" Yun Shimei is so simple and kind, will be bullied."

Zhuge Dong: "..."

He really wants to ask Zhuge North, are you blind? Is this simple metamorphosis still pure and kind?

At the beginning of the cloud, she smiled twice and apparently felt that her style of painting was somewhat contrary to her simple kindness. She shook her identity card in her hand: "The yard I live in is a single-family house! You can always go to me later." ”

A single hospital?

Zhugetang is a glimpse of the East, West, and North. It is well known that the outside disciples are four people and one room. How can the Yunchu 分 分 分 ? ? ? ? ?

At the beginning of the cloud, Barabala said things through the scene and pointed to a place on the map: "Oh, it is here!"

Zhugetang’s face suddenly changed: “Noisy! I can’t live here. The disciple’s disciple is clear that you are in the pit! You don’t have to move, you still live here!”

The face of the east, the west, the north and the south is not very good-looking. Zhuge Dong sighed: "Yun Shimei, you are usually very smart, how can you easily walk this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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