Chapter 3805 Haunted House

At the beginning of the cloud, Ba Baba’s eyes: "East brother, what is wrong with this yard?"

"This yard is a famous murderous house in the Unknown Swords. Any disciple who lives in it will definitely be enchanted for a month."

In the beginning, many people did not believe in evil, but the people who entered did not go out of their way without exception. Over time, the yard has been empty. So, Yunshimei, you still live here, don't move in. Zhuge Dong said with a serious look.

It is a pity that after Zhu Gedong finished speaking, he did not see the look of fear in the face of the cloud, and the small perverted eyes were sparkling, and it turned out to be a kind of interest.

"Going into the fire? It's a bit of a meaning, I want to go see it! What, then I will look at it, let's see you!"

The black heart was finished, and regardless of the shouts of Zhugetang and the north and south of the east and west, a smog ran out of the No. 9 forged sword hall.

Zhugetang’s main bite, this little girl is too noisy!

"The owner, you don't have to worry too much. The yard hasn't lived for a long time. It must be very ruined. Yun Shimei may regret it after seeing it." Zhuge Dong advised.

Zhugetang thinks that what he said makes sense. The little girl is curious and may be reluctant to retreat.

Black Heart Nine while squatting to the new residence, while pondering, ignoring the fire? She would like to see what caused it.

The reason why this goods are so bottomless is because she has black beads, what kind of demons, and so on, are clouds in front of her.

The courtyard of the first cloud is in the northernmost part of the foreigner's dormitory area, and there is still a distance from the dormitory area, standing alone.

Some of the outside disciples who got the news, looking at the clouds at a glance, and screaming, this cloud is really stupid! I chose the famous murderous house. Isn’t this looking for abuse? !

It is estimated that it will not take long before this cloud will be ruined!

At the beginning of the cloud, nature’s arguments would not be taken seriously. She went to the gate of the yard and opened the ban with her own identity, and then pushed the door open.

There was a ridiculous scene in the yard. There were weeds all over the place. Even the weeds were on the roof. It seems that no one has lived for a long time.

At the beginning of the cloud, the gate was closed, and the ban was opened again. Then the 傀儡4 and 傀儡5 were released and they were allowed to clear the weeds on the ground.

She herself jumped over the roof and began to clear the weeds above the roof.

Soon, the weeds on the yard and the roof were cleaned up, and the clouds lingered on the roof. It looked good in the small courtyard.

There are a total of four rooms, and the yard is quite spacious. Even a small white face with a black-eyed head and a small madman is enough to live.

The most important thing is that there are no other quarters around, the privacy is very good, she lived with peace of mind.

At the beginning of the cloud, the four rooms were cleaned up again. Although the furniture inside had fallen a lot of dust, it was good after wiping it clean.

After such a busy day, the sky has already darkened, and the cloud has just eaten something, and then put the two dogs out.

The two dogs had a good meal in the yard, and then they went into the bedroom of the cloud.

"Little fairy, why do you say those people will go into flames?"

I haven't waited for the first answer of the cloud, and the second dog said: "But, you must not be enchanted by the little fairy, because your heart is black, it is already a little devil!"

Cloud early: "Roll!"

(End of this chapter)

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