Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3853: Xiao He only shows sharp corners

Chapter 3853 Xiao Hecai pointed sharp corner

From now on to the water pool, the silver snake is very quiet, so whether it is the two dogs or the clouds, they have forgotten that it is still on the hair of the cloud!

At the beginning of the cloud, the silver snake on the hair was smashed down. To be precise, it could not be called a silver snake. Because the whole snake had a faint pink color, it was still bleeding.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was burned in anger, and I hated the teeth: "You are a color embryo, even stealing me, I am dying!"

A poor one was left seven inches by the black heart, and almost didn't die!

Fortunately, he finally slowed down, narrowed his body, and then broke into the water, or else he would end up being killed by a relative.

Someone feels that he is quite innocent, and he doesn't want to see it. Besides, he is now sealed and he doesn't feel anything, let alone she is wearing a coat!

As for why the nosebleeds, why the body turns pink, a certain person attributed this to too hot here, um, that's it.

The black heart saw the silver snake sneak into the water, and it was even more angry. He sneaked into the water and started to catch the snake.

However, the silver snake has made itself very small, and with the cloud, you can't use the power now. This is not a catch of the strength of the goods. It is tired and panting.

"Good! Soon! Little color dragon, can you run very well?! You will stay in this pool afterwards! You are here to die!"

After the beginning of the cloud, he put on his coat and shouted his neck and shouted the little black cloud and the two dogs. Then he sat down on the small black cloud.

A dumbfounded!

This, is this gone? Regardless of him? I haven’t seen it before, is it so angry? ! Besides, her little figure is just a small lotus tip, what can be shy? !

Someone looked at the nose and sorrow and looked at the nosebleeds that had flowed down. What, he would not die and die? !

At the beginning of the cloud, she sat on the small black cloud and gnawed her teeth. Although she was still wearing a cloak, she thought that she was taken advantage of by the small color dragon, and her head was so sullen.

The second dog also thought of the silver snake, and the heart was gloating and guilty. The natural disaster was the silver snake to suffer!

The guilty conscience is that the cloud is angered by the beginning of the cloud. After all, it forgot to remind the cloud of the silver snake.

At the beginning of the cloud, the small black cloud was sent to the top of the stone platform, and then into the cave.

Zhang is still asleep, and at the beginning of the cloud, sitting on a stone bed and smashing dozens of small dragons, this is lying on the stone bed.

Until the three days of the day, Zhang Li was somewhat confused and opened his eyes. This sleep was heavy enough. He did not doubt anything, thinking that he was caused by his own greed.

When I was having breakfast, Zhang asked curiously: "Yu Shi, what about your little snake?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said with no anger: "It strangled itself!"

Chapter away: "..."

After having breakfast, the two still began to learn the sword, but the cloud was a little absent-minded. She threw the little dragon into the pool, what wouldn’t happen?

Although the color embryo is very odious, it does not see anything, and it is not subjective and intentional.

Punishment is naturally punishable, but it does not require its small life. Moreover, if someone else discovers it, I am afraid there will be trouble.

So, at dinner time, Yunchu 加 玖 added a bit of material in the wine, after the chapter went away from sleep, she sat in a small black cloud, with two dogs down to the pool.

(End of this chapter)

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