Chapter 3854 is calm and calm

The silver snake disk was on a slightly raised stone wall beside the waterhole. When the cloud came to the beginning, it did not escape, and the statue was left to be treated.

Keke, a certain hope that the stars hope that the moon will finally look forward to the beginning of the cloud, naturally it is learning!

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the silver snake, and the new hatred and old hate thought about it. The left hand was holding a silver snake, and the right hand was holding a big kitchen knife. The sinister said: "The color embryo, I will smash you today, see you later. There is no color heart!"

The whole snake feels bad when a certain time comes!

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the silver snake shivering and shivering. I snorted: "Do you know that you are afraid? I warn you, this is the first and last time. If I find out that you are still plotting me, I will I am jealous of you!"

After the beginning of the cloud, the silver snake was thrown into the water, no longer waiting for its life and death!

The two dogs saw that the silver snake was very schadenfreaked, and it came to the stiff, woody silver snake and said:

"Small color dragon, when I am honored, I will report your crimes to you. Oh, you can be a big vinegar jar, and you will be miserable!"

The silver snake looked at the two dogs coldly and then sneaked into the water. He wanted to calm down and calm down. If anyone was almost stunned by his wife, would it be difficult to calm down?

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out the bronze mirror again. After for a long time, he couldn’t see the figure of the sword. He thought it would be only a full moon night to see it. He just didn’t know why there was no lower half. Sword method.

Since there is no sword method, there is no need to wait in the water pool. At the beginning of the cloud, the silver snake was placed on the hair and sat back in the cave with a small black cloud.

The next morning, Yunchu and Zhang Li had just had breakfast, the transmission array suddenly opened, and someone was sent up.

The people dressed in the costumes of the unnamed swords and true disciples, the face is handsome, but the eyebrows are a little proud.

Zhang is a joy to see the youth: "Zhuang Hong's younger brother, isn't Master let me go ahead?"

Zhuang Hong took a disdainful look at the chapter: "Zhang Li, you are not a true disciple now, even the inner disciples are not, people are self-aware, you should not call the head as a master."

Zhang looked at Zhuang Hong unbelievably, and his face suddenly became a bit pale.

Zhuang Hong has set his sights on the side of the cloud: "The beginning of the cloud, the head has something to ask you, you go with me!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I reached out and said, "What about the handcuffs?"

Zhuang Hongyi, then proudly said: "I am the true disciple of the head, can you lie to you?! If you temper, then don't go out!"

Zhuang Hong thought that he was so threatened, and Yun’s first awkwardness and his departure from here, where did he think of the cloud’s initial smack, and said faintly:

"I don't know you, even if you are really a true disciple at the head, who knows if you are telling the truth, so I won't leave with you."

Zhuang Hong was a glimpse, and then he angered: "You have to think about it at the beginning of the cloud! If you don't leave with me, you will stay here forever!"

The cloud shrugged at the beginning: "just!"

Zhuang Hong bit his teeth, and now the heads of the three gates of the two islands are waiting in the House of the Senate. If you can't bring this cloud back, the head will blame him.

Thinking of this, he slowed down the tone: "The beginning of the cloud, there are important things to look for in your head, you still leave with me!"

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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