Chapter 4008 Cubs

The one-eyed shark apparently remembered some unsatisfactory memories and paused for a while, which went on to say:

"The blood tree suddenly appeared on the blood sand island, and we went out to hunt. Its roots had to extend into our nest. All the cubs were poisonous in their roots, only on schedule. It uses the juice that the roots must transport to renew its life.

We have no way to detoxify, we have to listen to its arrangements and keep helping to hunt.

Little girl, unless you can detoxify our cubs, we will not cooperate with you. After all, those cubs are the hope of our race. ”

When I heard the one-eyed shark at the beginning of the cloud, I suddenly said, "I don't really have any solution for other problems, but if it is poisoned, I am not bragging. There is no poison that I can't solve under this day."

Although the one-eyed shark feels that the clouds are too arrogant, they are now dead horses as a living horse doctor. After all, the nearby sea animals are dead and hiding, and it is estimated that the last blood tree will kill them.

"In this case, you come with me, as long as you can solve the poison of the cub, we let you send." One-eyed shark said.

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded and immediately greeted Zhao Hui and others who were still competing with the roots of the blood tree.

Zhao Hui and others have no other choices now, so they have to swim over. Yunchu said to them at the beginning: "I am going to do something, you are here waiting for me, rest assured, there are protections for you, blood trees will not How about you?"

Zhao Hui and others are crying!

protection? Are you sure these bloodthirsty iron sharks are protecting rather than eating them? ! Besides, it has been soaking in the sea, it is too uncomfortable!

The beginning of the cloud was discovered by the conscience. A ship was called from the storage ring, and Zhao Hui and others waited on the boat. Then he said to the one-eyed shark: "With them as hostages, you should be relieved? Let's go and take me to see."

Zhao Hui and others: "..."

hostage? Yun Shimei, you will have no friends like this, you know? !

Although the blood tree did not hear anything about the one-eyed shark and the cloud, he also guessed a few points, and he sneered in his heart. Is it a means for a small human to solve? !

Those bloodthirsty iron sharks still want to struggle? It’s ridiculous, they can only listen to it in the end.

At the beginning of the cloud, the one-eyed shark sneaked into the seabed. If other factors were thrown away, the scenery below was good. The seawater was clear, the seabed was a fine white sand, and the seaweed swayed gently with the waves.

The nest of this group of bloodthirsty iron sharks is set in a submarine reef, and there are more than a dozen bloodthirsty iron sharks patrolling around.

The status of the one-eyed shark is obviously not low. The bloodthirsty iron sharks that patrolled saw it with a human hoe, but it was doubtful but not blocked.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw dozens of bloodthirsty iron shark cubs. The cubs looked very lively, but each cub had a bright red mark on the back.

The one-eyed shark said with anger: "Do you see the red blood line? If you can't take the sap of the blood tree on time, the blood line will burst and it will make these young people feel uncomfortable."

In the beginning of the cloud, the indignation of the indignation: "The ugly ugly is really not a thing! Even with such a three-in-one means, you can rest assured that I can help these poor little things detoxification!"

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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