Chapter 4009 Bloodline

The one-eyed shark will be suspicious when it comes to the beginning of the cloud. If you tell the truth, if you are forced to go nowhere, it will not believe the little girl’s words.

The age of this little girl is too small. Even if she studies medicine from her mother's womb, it is impossible to go anywhere. How can she solve the poison of the blood tree? !

However, now they have no other choices. The previous monks have been killed by the blood trees. These people can at least fight against the blood trees. Maybe they have some skills.

When the one-eyed shark was thinking about it, Yunchu said to it: "I have to take a closer look at what poison it is. You call a baby cub to let me know."

The one-eyed shark immediately greeted a docile cub, and the cub's big, round eyes curiously looked at the clouds.

The first day of the cloud was looked at by the pups with pure eyes, and my heart suddenly softened. In general, the cubs of any species are lovable, because their eyes have no impurities, purely not Consciously soft heart.

At the beginning of the cloud, he touched the head of the cub with his hand and carefully looked at the blood line above his back.

At the beginning of the cloud, he was surprised to find that the blood line was not static. He was still moving slowly. She reached out and touched the blood line. The blood line began to distort and struggle. It seemed to break through the young. skin.

The cub immediately screamed and broke away from the touch of the cloud.

The one-eyed shark suddenly felt a little discouraged. It seems that this little girl has no way to detoxify. Isn’t their cub really saved? !

When it was thinking about it, the cloud first touched the chin and said: "That is not poisonous. It looks like it looks like a cockroach."

The one-eyed shark is somewhat confused and looks at the beginning of the cloud. It has never heard of scorpion venom. After all, the sea beasts are rarely poisoned, not to mention the rare poison.

Yunchu said: "I am not sure what it is. It may be embarrassing or something else, but one thing is certain, the blood tree simply did not intend to let go of these cubs.

If I guess it is correct, the growth of these young cubs must be extremely slow and even show signs of retrogression, because the nutrients and spiritual power in their bodies are absorbed by those blood lines.

When your use value is exhausted, these young cubs will be completely swallowed up by these blood lines. ”

The huge body of the one-eyed shark trembled a few times. This little girl said yes, the pups of the bloodthirsty iron shark originally grew very fast, but these young cubs have hardly changed in a few months, is it that the little girl said? it is true?

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that the reaction of the one-eyed shark knew that I was right. She blinked and said: "If you want to completely remove these blood lines from the body of the baby, you have to give me a chance to observe it. OK, then, I am dizzy with a cub, so that it can not resist my inspection."

Although the one-eyed shark is somewhat unreliable, there is no other way to do so, so I have to let the cloud beginners faint the former docile cub.

At the beginning of the cloud, I got close to the back of the cub and observed the blood line.

With the touch of the cloud, the blood line began to swim on the back of the baby, but the young girl was already comatose, otherwise it would hurt and hurt.

The one-eyed shark on the side looked at the blood line that was constantly moving. The heart was full of hatred for the blood tree. If it weren't for this little girl, they might still be in the dark, and the blood tree never intended to let go of it. Cub.

(End of this chapter)

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