Chapter 4059, enchanting

At the beginning of the cloud, I took out a big kitchen knife, not to mention Wan Pengcheng. Even the other disciples around me were shocked and hurriedly evaded. This cloud will not be crazy at first. !

Unexpectedly, the beginning of the cloud did not start with Wan Pengcheng, but instead returned to the end of the crowd with a big kitchen knife, then set the big kitchen knife in front of him, and then continued to read the words:

"Human law, earth law, heaven, and law are natural? Since the world has its own laws, what is the day?"

When I was close, I heard that the beginning of the cloud was suddenly crazy.

What is heaven?

Heaven is the master of all things in this world! No one or anything can violate Tiandao, and responsibility will be condemned. At the beginning of the cloud, I even asked what Heaven is. Isn’t this crazy? !

Wan Pengcheng bit his teeth. He originally wanted to report to the elders, but in order to avoid the suspicion, he directly said to the elders of Duanmu:

"Duanmu elders, the beginning of the cloud is not crazy, it is deliberately mad to sell silly, she is deliberately affecting us to understand the sword, but also please give us the master."

Duanmu elder looked at Wan Pengcheng with a cold look: "Shut up! She is in epiphany!"


As soon as Duanmu’s elders were exported, everyone was stunned!

In the eyes of the sword, it is not unusual to understand the sword. I have never heard of anyone who can be enlightened here? If this is the real epiphany, the cloud is really a dog, a cockroach, and shipped!

However, this epiphany is not so easy to succeed. In the end, it is not necessarily what is going on, or it is necessary to continue to understand the sword.

As a result, everyone no longer pays attention to the beginning of the cloud, and continues to understand the meaning of the sword. As for the beginning of the cloud, from time to time, muttering to himself, it does not affect everyone, but it is only the use of Wan Pengcheng.

The monks are people who are determined to be determined, not to say muttering, just to speak loudly, in fact, there is no interference.

A few sly sneaking sneaking close to the beginning of the cloud, this little girl seems to be evil, which is a good time for them to enter.

However, the red knives flashed on top of the chopper, and those who were frightened were not seen.

Unfortunately, Yunchu was in a state of selflessness and did not see what happened. The silver snake in her sleeve did not see the outside, so no one saw this scene.

Until the night falls, the cloud is still in the state of self-forgetting, just no longer muttering, but meditating in place.

Everyone decided that she had no epiphany and success, and she thought, how could she be so lucky in the eyes of Jianyi? It turned out that she was happy and happy.

Just when everyone thought about it, the glory of the cloud was flashing, and everyone stood up in amazement. This is a breakthrough?

Everyone’s sour thoughts, she really succeeded in epiphany? It’s really a cat that has run into a dead mouse! However, her spiritual power is so low, that is, breaking through the first level is just four layers of the smart.

However, it is almost between the beggars, and the brilliance of the clouds has once again broken, and it has broken through? Did you break through two layers at once?

Everyone: The two layers are normal, after all, it is an epiphany!

After a while, the night was once again illuminated by the brilliance of the clouds.

Everyone: Three layers? After the epiphany, there were actually three levels of promotion. Really, there is really nothing.

After a while, the clouds began to shine again.

Everyone: This is normal, normal fart! Did an epiphany break through four layers? This is simply a enchanting ah!

(End of this chapter)

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