Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 4060: Soared to the nine floors of Lingtong

Chapter 4060 is soaring to the nineth floor of Linkong

Although everyone was dumbfounded, they felt that the four layers should be almost the same, but the clouds were once again flashing.

Everyone is already numb, and they only have one idea to comfort themselves. Fortunately, this cloud is only three layers of the first pass, even if it breaks through, it is impossible to break through to the level of the spirit, and they are far away!

Therefore, when the cloud was flashing for the sixth time, they were not surprised. They were not surprised at all. Didn’t they rise to the sixth level? Isn't it the breakthrough from the third floor of Lingtong to the nine floors of Lingtong? What's great! They don't envy hatred at all, just like drinking a tank of vinegar, a bit sour.

Finally, there is no more brilliance in the clouds.

In fact, the cloud has not been so exaggerated at the sixth level. This product was originally a five-layered smart, but it has been hidden with a hidden ring. This time, the epiphany was adjusted to a normal level.

Even so, Black Heart Nine is happy, but if it is not a big embarrassment between Lingtong and Lingwu, she may continue to break through. This epiphany is much more efficient than Thunder, and nothing will happen in the future. It’s good to think about it.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that time was almost the same, and this opened my eyes.

Then I felt the eyes of everyone envious of hatred. The heart of the goods was called a beautiful scent, but the face was filled with a calm look, but the eyes were full of smiles, making people look itchy.

The elders of Duanmu first opened: "The beginning of the cloud, you just got an epiphany? What did you realize?"

The words of Duanmu elders can be said to be the voice of all people, one by one looking at the neck and eagerly looking at the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao said: "There is nothing. I think of a sentence in the secular world. Human law, earth law, heaven and earth, and Taoism are natural. I think this person should be free and unrestrained. Ok, then I’m confused.

In fact, I just think about it, whoever thinks about it, suddenly broke through so many levels, it is easy to be unstable, I am quite helpless. ”

The popular direct pumping, what is called a cheap sell, this goods is! It’s too irritating! Still worried about the unstable foundation? They also want to worry about the instability of the foundation? But they don't have this opportunity!

The face of Duanmu elders is also a stiff, but did not say anything, epiphany is a personal opportunity, and can not be forced, can only say that this little girl is very creative.

He nodded slightly and then said to other disciples: "Okay, continue to understand the sword!"

Everyone has no mood to comprehend the sword, and also comprehend a fart! When people think about it, they break through the six layers. If they do, they will think about it!

Moreover, they have been practicing for two days and one night in a row, and they are indeed a little tired, so many people retreat to the back of the team, and some eat and sleep.

Didn't that cloud begin to say? Should you be free and natural? Then they are hungry and eaten, sleepy and sleep well!

The elders of Duanmu shook his head, but he did not stop everyone, and he realized his enlightenment and comprehend the sword.

The so-called Swordsman’s movements on this side naturally attracted the attention of other sects. After hearing the incident, it was natural to sigh the good luck of the cloud.

Haoyue’s face is very ugly, and the waste is still epiphany? No, she must understand the meaning of the sword, and must understand the two swords, and the time must make the waste look good!

(End of this chapter)

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