Chapter 4089 does not make a loss of the sale

Liao Tao looked at the two front teeth on the ground and left him completely, completely smashed!

Who is he? Where is he? What is he doing?

He has fallen five times in a row without a spirit, which makes people laugh too big!

Not far from the beginning of the cloud, although it was somewhat forced by the performances of the two floating statues, but fortunately, she reacted very quickly. In Liao Tao, she stared at the invisible martial arts and jumped over to kick him to the test bench. below.

After a silence, everyone fry!

"Hey, this is more than the end of the test? Liao Tao is too useless? Is it so scared by the superimposed sword of the cloud?"

"Oh, no wonder the last time it was so bad than the test, this courage is too small!"

"That is, if it is not scared, it will fall twice in succession, this is the legs are scared!"


Although Liao Tao wanted to faint, but he was cut off except for the incisors, he was not hurt, and he couldn’t faint!

At the beginning of the cloud, he glanced at the two phoenixes that had been hiding in the corner. First, he confirmed the results of the test, and then went to the front of the Duanmu elders and the Eastern elders.

The Eastern elders were full of praise: "Small girl, how do you do the swordsmanship?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I briefly said it, and then said: "I was trying to release two kinds of swords in a hurry. I didn't expect it to be superimposed. I also mistakenly hit it."

The elders of the East and the elders of Duanmu heard the words and tried to release the sword in accordance with the method described by Yunchu, but there was no way to superimpose the two swords. The two old men could not help but sigh. Is this sword superposition only this little girl can do?

The two did not stop doing much, and they took a few words at the beginning of the cloud and then left.

At the beginning of the cloud, I followed the test bench, and after a few steps, Liao Tao’s face was in front of her: “Yu Yun, you give me waiting!”

However, because the front teeth were broken, the pronunciation of Liao Tao's words was somewhat weird. Not only did it not play a threatening role, but it also attracted a sneer from the audience.

Liao Tao's gas almost vomited blood, and the haze of the cloud smashed a few eyes at the beginning of the cloud, which was persuaded by several well-disciplined disciples.

Zhao Hui and Li Zhuangzhi and others are so excited that they are rich!

They gathered in the clouds and went to the gambling office to receive a large amount of Lingshi, and then went to the dining hall to eat a meal, which was separated.

At the beginning of the cloud, I returned to the yard. The two babies behind me were quite as sorrowful, and they felt like they were awesome!

I didn’t expect Yun’s first screaming to point to them with awkward words: “Who will let you be the master?! Let’s not say anything about me. The elders of the East and the elders of Duanmu are sitting on the side of the test bench, so close, you Are you afraid of being discovered again?

Do you have no fear or no brain? Two stupid! go away! ”

When the two squats were gone, there was no previous sorrow, and the sorrowful sorrow floated into the corner. The rest of the Afghan float was a gloating scene.

The cloud did not take care of them and went straight into the house.

The little black bird inside the beast bag asked incomprehensibly: "Master, don't you hate those floating? How are you afraid that they will be discovered?"

"If they are discovered, I am afraid I can't get rid of it. Besides, these A-floating things have tossed me so badly. Now it's hard to have some use. If something goes wrong, I won't lose my life?! I don't want to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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