Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 4090: Go to the upper house square collection

Chapter 4090 goes to the upper house square collection

In the next few days, Yunchu’s understanding of the superimposed swordsmanship spread in the nameless swords.

Zongmen has already realized that two kinds of sword-minded disciples have tried to superimpose the sword, but they all ended in failure.

Everyone has to admit the fact that the sword is superimposed on such a thing, not everyone can do it. Now it seems that only the metamorphosis of the cloud can be done.

However, Black Heart Nine is not very happy, because she still has not succeeded in infusing the sword.

Does she really have no talent for forging swords?

Elder Duanmu originally wanted to take the black heart nine as a true disciple before the elders of the East. Now she can't help but indulge her sword, and she can't help but hesitate.

No matter how good the talent of the cloud is, but he is a swordsman, if the true disciple can’t fill the sword, what kind of disciple is this? !

So he decided to put this thing aside for a while and then look at it.

The first few clouds tried to infuse the sword for a few days, and they didn’t succeed. They didn’t go to the elders of Duanmu, but stayed in the yard and formed a sword with Aphrodite.

Of course, the black heart is abused, it is a miserable! It’s terrible! Terrible!

Fortunately, the black heart and nine temperament are tough, if the average person is estimated to have been abused, there is no love.

On this day, when Yunchu was being ravaged by the Afghan, the message came from the identity jade and let it go to the square in the upper house.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but wonder. She is now an inner disciple. Even if there is anything to gather, she will only go to the square of the Intermediate People’s Court. How come this time is to go to the square of the upper house?

After the cloud arrived at the upper courtyard square, it was discovered that the elders and true disciples were present.

The beginning of the cloud is even more boring, what should I do?

When she was suspicious, Zhuang Hong came over and yelled: "What do you do here when you come to the cloud?! You don't know the minimum time to go to the silk whale feast is the true disciple's identity?! Leave without speed!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that Zhuang Hong was like a mad dog. When she saw her, she would call out a few sounds. One day, one day, I would pack him up.

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out the identity jade card and shook it: "I didn't want to come by myself. It was the chores that informed me."

Zhuang Hong sneered aloud: "You really lie, how can the confession hall make such a mistake?! It must be that you want to mess, so I lied that I received the news, I warned you, leave immediately, or else I will Let the people in the Discipline Church drive you away."

The beginning of the cloud was not a good temperament master. Zhuang Hong repeatedly found faults, and the goods suddenly became angry:

"Zhuang Shishu, I respect you as an elder, so I have tolerate you many times, you don't want to shame your face!

Not to mention that I did receive a notice. Even if I did not receive a notice, it seems that maintaining order is not your responsibility. Isn't it the right to want to experience a head in advance? Oh, I really can’t wait! ”

Zhuang Hong’s face suddenly rose red, and the subtext of the beginning of the cloud was obviously saying that he couldn’t wait to succeed his head and wanted to replace it. This is really awkward!

If this is passed to the ear of Ouyang’s head, although it can’t be done, it’s definitely not happy.

"You are nonsense! Today I have to give a good lesson to you, this unsatisfied stinking head!" Zhuang Hong is angry and angry, and he will pull his sword when he reaches out.

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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