Chapter 4163 Three pit goods

The beginning of the cloud is more refined!

In an instant, I realized that there are also a black bead in the eleven-nine unnamed swords, and there is water in the words of the elders of Duanmu. I am afraid that things are not so simple!

However, she is now a small shrimp, and people are fooling her.

This product is the most interesting. Although I guessed it in my heart, the face said: "The ancient elders said that it makes sense. Then we will leave early tomorrow morning, and we will be able to send a message to the head when we die out of the sand." ”

The three elders of Duanmu saw the beginning of the cloud and did not ask again. He was slightly relieved. This little girl had a stomachache and almost said that he had missed his mouth.

After eating dinner, Yunchu returned to his room.

This product is curious to see his own Dan Tian, ​​I saw that the black bead is no different. If you look closely, it feels blacker than the original.

This goods use the gods to know: "You are a foodie! In addition to eating my lightning is to eat my Lingshi, you are full of white! Those beads that you have swallowed will not be your children and grandchildren? Hahaha It turns out that you are a serious business!"

The black beads that were originally motionless were obviously irritated, rolling in the dantian of the Black Heart Nine, and the black heart was so painful.

"Dog tail, quiet, give me up! If you don't listen to me, I will take a big knife and open my stomach now, don't let Dantian!"

Black Heart Nine originally thought that such a threat, weird grass and too virtual mirror will help her to clean up the black beads, where to think of the two uncles did not hear, the old **** is watching the show.

Black Heart Nine is painful and angry. Her mother, who has never suffered from losses, has been bullied by these three rogues. It is unbearable!

However, if I want to think about it, I can’t do anything. She’s not able to get rid of Dantian in order to get rid of them.

This product suddenly flashed, she was really stupid! There is not only one angle to solve the problem. Although she can't get rid of these three pit goods for the time being, she can lick them.

Therefore, this goods endured the pain of Dantian, biting his teeth and said: "Glass ball, if you don't want to devour other beads, you will be free to lick, I can bear the pain of the meridians, don't say you. This little toss!"

The action of the black bead was suddenly stagnation, and the cloud began to sneer: "There is a dog's tail. Don't think that you can control my body. You have good things to eat. The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately you don't! So even You control my body and you can't achieve your purpose.

Quiet, don't forget, you still have a piece of debris that you haven't found. If you like to be incomplete, you don't care if you watch a movie. ”

The words of Black Heart Nine clearly marked the pain of three pit goods, but Black Heart Nine apparently did not intend to let them go, she said coldly:

"Don't forget, I am your host now. If I can't, I don't want to think about it! You are not waiting for me for a day or a half. If I have a good time, you may want to find the next host." Difficult.

Hello, my dear, everyone, if you are embarrassed, I will naturally try to meet your requirements. After all, I am very short-sighted.

However, if you think you can threaten me by means, hey, you still don't know me too! It’s the old king of Heaven that wants to threaten me, let alone three of you! If you can't do it, let's fight a broken net! ”

(End of this chapter)

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