Chapter 4164 Out of town

After the beginning of the cloud, I stopped talking, and looked at the three pits with the gods.

The weird grass is the first to recognize it. It pleases to make the leaves into a heart shape, shaking it at the beginning of the cloud.

Too virtual mirror and black beads did not have this product shameless, although there was nothing to say, but they all recovered their usual appearance, each occupying a glimpse, not moving.

At the beginning of the cloud, the cold snorted, and this retired the gods.

At this point, her forehead and body were cold sweat, could not help but clenched her fists, sooner or later she would find a way to get these three **** things out, and then let them know that she offended her end.

She took a shower and then lie on the bed to ponder the beads. She can basically conclude that not only the unnamed swords have black beads, but also several other sects have black beads. Otherwise, there will be no such auctions. Multiplayer bidding.

Moreover, the black beads must contain a big secret.

At that time, the blue scum that **** deliberately went to the Chaotian sect, just to get the bead. If it wasn't a big deal, he wouldn't have to spend that much effort.

What is the secret?

If these small beads are related to the big secret, then the black beads in her Dan Tian will not hide the secret of the sky?

When the cheap grandfather gave the black beads to her, he said that the beads were uploaded by the ancestors, and he did not know the specific origin of the beads.

And she happened to be the blood of the Yun family. This is a confusing recognition of the Lord. What is the origin of this black bead?

Sometimes, Black Heart Nine feels that he is a big heart. There are three unknown species in Dantian. She even eats incense and sleeps.

She also remembered the sunflower water that she had been late for. Fortunately, the life of the monk is much longer than that of ordinary people. She can still stink and say that she is a little girl, or she really wants to cry!

In the end, the goods comforted themselves, as long as she kept her heart, step by step, and all the problems will be solved.

The next morning, Qu Fang came to knock on the door: "Yun Shimei, got up, we have to leave for breakfast."

The black heart of the Nine Strong Forces to get up and climbed up, simply cleaned up, followed the Qufang to the first floor for breakfast.

After having breakfast, I counted the money in the store, and the five people went out to the gate of the ghost town.

There are a lot of ghosts in the gates of the city, and there are still a few things to do. I must have not given up looking for beads, and I want to see the flaws from the faces of people out of the city.

Black Heart Nine Naturally will not be a little uncomfortable. It is a big swing and the city gate. Turning around and looking at the stone that builds the city wall, it is a pity that it is a pity, if you can take these stones away.

However, it is just thinking about it. If she dismantled the walls of the ghost towns, it is estimated that the people in the ghost city must have slaughtered her.

Most of the people who came to participate in the city of Ghosts returned at this time, so many people came and greeted the elders of Duanmu.

A moment later, Qidao’s master took out more than a dozen people and went out of the ghost town.

His face is a bit gloomy, well, no matter who is pitted with more than 100 million Lingshi, it will not be good.

However, he still does not know that the person who hangs him is the black heart nine, so he said a few words and then took the person away.

When Haoyue left, the sinister stunned the cloud at first glance, the cloud did not scream at the beginning, this cargo is very good, there are many people on Feihua Island, if you move your hands, you can’t take advantage of it, so Forbearance.

(End of this chapter)

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