Chapter 7167 is a fortune

Yun Qianjiang and others originally thought that Yun was at the beginning, but now they have to believe that what she said is true.

She did not say before, it is estimated that they are afraid that they will reveal flaws, and there is no way to deceive them.

However, how can she know that the different devils will pass through the grotto? How do you know that the Orc will be met on the road, and can you find the cloud and others?

However, they quickly relieved, and it is sure that the totem armor told her that the totem armor is the treasure of the town of the holy mountain Yunjia, naturally there are extraordinary.

Just thinking that the beginning of the cloud is likely to eventually become a fool, or even die, can not help but feel blank.

During the period, Yun Qianli never talked again, and explored the movements of the cloud.

She did not believe that Yunchu had such a good heart, and she would actually sacrifice herself to save everyone's life.

However, she was unable to explain the vibrations from time to time in the Qiankun Grottoes. It seems that she really wants to destroy the general.

Which sentence is true in the cloud? Which sentence is true?

As time went by, the vibrations of Qiankun Grottoes became more and more frequent, and even large stones on both sides of the stone wall fell off, and everyone’s hearts became more and more fearful.

It seems that Yun Qianyi is true, and this Qiankun Grotto really has to be a big disaster!

When the transfer period is still half a day, the Qiankun Grottoes began to sway more violently. If the people are not repaired, I am afraid it will be difficult to stand still.

At the beginning of the cloud, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then the voice shook with these tremors and said: "There are no crowds, and there seems to be no way to continue. Let's do it according to the original plan."

After the cloud was first finished, several pieces of elements and spar were thrown on the ground, and there were millions of single crystal stones.

Not only that, but she also dropped her sabre on the ground.

At the same time, the beginning of the cloud released the totem armor.

Everyone was so eager to see the totem armor as a person, standing next to the cloud.

Also, since this totem armor can communicate with Yunqian in accordance with the gods, it has naturally produced a spirit, which is not surprising.

Just, really want to take out all the elements and spar?

Several people in Yunqianhe had the first reaction. They learned the appearance of the cloud, and all the valuable things on their bodies were thrown to the ground, and then they stood by the clouds.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the totem armor around me and said: "Small A tells me that the Qiankun Grottoes will not be able to support it anymore. You can do it yourself!

If you all want to become a corpse, I have no opinion. It’s a big deal. Everyone is dead here. ”

Emperor Chengfeng bit his teeth and threw some elements and spar on the ground.

He took the lead and everyone else did it, even if it was a cloud.

It’s just that it’s hard to say that all the things in the body have been handed over.

The different devils and the orcs saw the gods and demons all did this, and there was no suspicion, and they began to throw things away.

The black-eyed nine-folded eyelids flashed a glimmer of light inside, and hey, this time, the Qiankun Grottoes were not white, and they made a fortune!

Everyone found that the things that were thrown on the ground were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the magnitude of the shaking of the Qiankun Grottoes was also weakened.

It seems that this method is really effective!

Unfortunately, it didn't last long, and the grotto began to vibrate again, and the big chunks of stone at the top of the cave collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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