Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7168: No longer seeing soldiers

Chapter 7168 is no longer a soldier

Suddenly, the beginning of the cloud violently twitched, and if it wasn’t for the totem armor to protect her, I’m afraid I could not stand.

She said very hardly: "The Qiankun Grottoes began to extract strength. If there is still a weapon or spar on the body, be careful..."

When the first words of the cloud had not been finished, a few people were sucked up on the top of the cave. They made a scream of horror, and they threw the remaining elements and spar on the ground in a panic. On the ground.

As a result, many people are busy throwing things on the ground. They originally thought that Yunchu was exaggerating. Now it seems that if you don’t throw all the elements and spar out, you will really be sucked into a corpse. .

The cloud was wrinkled and frowned. At the time of her temperament, her body was also sucked to the top of the cave by a huge force.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said to the red cockroach with the gods: "The bones are so beautiful! Let's toss her, but don't kill, I always feel that there is someone behind her, and I have to keep her as a bait."

Although the red dragonfly can feel the idea of ​​the beginning of the cloud, it can't be expressed in words like the dog's tail grass. It can only be spoken after it is released.

Therefore, there is no comment, but the cloud is like a ball.

At the beginning, Yun Qiang insisted on sticking his teeth and finally had to throw out a few pieces of equipment.

Although the cloud was initially suspected of having a good thing in the hands of the cloud, but for fear that the cloud would jump from the wall, the red dragon would stop.

The cloud was smashed to the ground, and the cold posture was no longer sustainable. It was very embarrassing.

She looked up at the beginning of the cloud and saw that her forehead was cold sweat. If it wasn't forbidden by the totem armor with the arm guard, I was afraid that it had already been sucked into the top of the hole.

The suspicion in her heart could not help but dispel some points. Could it be true that this cloud is said this time?

When the crowd was sent out and there was still a quarter of an hour, the Qiankun Grottoes began to collapse.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was extremely difficult to say: "The Qiankun Grottoes have been unable to hold back, and only the Totem Armor has been destroyed!"

Xin Wen and Xin Wu looked at each other and squatted on the ground:

"Miss Jiu, you can't do this! Hold on for a while, maybe we will all be sent out, if you are so dead, we..."

The black heart nine fears that these two goods are bad things, hoarse and swearing:

"You don't have to say anything! I am still alive and dead today. I have no regrets. If you really want to repay, don't stop me, live well!"

The black heart sees Xin Wu and still talks, and simply directs the totem armor to stun them.

If it is normal, the totem armor will not be so easy to get it, mainly because Xin Wen and Xin Wu have been in a state of chaos, coupled with the violent vibration of the Qiankun Grottoes, and even more unprepared, this is easily stunned.

"Qianjiang brother, Qianhe brother, they handed it to you. Remember to tell my grandfather, I, I will be his granddaughter in my next life."

Yun Qianjiang and Yun Qianhe heard the words, and Xin Wen and Xin Wu were on their backs.

Yun Qianhe’s eyes were red and red, and he couldn’t help it anymore. He cried out: “Nine sisters, really, really can only do this?”

When Yun Yun did not answer the words of Yun Qianhe, the tears fell down. Her eyes looked at the crowd, and the hard arched hand, then said hoarsely:

"People, you back, so as not to be affected by the self-destruction of the totem armor.

We will see you again in the afterlife. I hope that when I see you again, I will no longer be a soldier, but a hero. ”

Continue at two points.

(End of this chapter)

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