Chapter 7358 Salad with sea bream

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the cloud of anxiety that was facing me. I asked, "Why do you say that the jellyfish monsters just gathered together to spray water?"

Yun Qian is not angry, saying: "Where do I know?! You don't hurry to get rid of the trouble, what do you think is useless?!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the small eyes sewed and said: "Maybe find the reason why they collectively spray water there, so that they can retreat without fighting."

The clouds are a bit suspicious, but they still frown and meditate: "Maybe they are idle and have nothing to do, so they gather together to play with water?"

Yun Qiang said that he did not believe it. If it was just a spray, they would not have to be neatly arranged.

She thought again and said: "Or else there are prey in midair? Are they preying? It is not like that if they prey on prey, they should attack with water arrows instead of ordinary water."

The cloud has repeatedly proposed several possibilities, and she has been vetoed by herself. She has to look at the cloud that has never spoken:

"What do you think is the reason?"

At the beginning of the cloud, she shook her head. She couldn’t guess why the jellyfish monsters did this for a while.

She gaze at the jellyfish monsters that are approaching. They, like ordinary jellyfish, use the reaction force of water to move forward.

However, these jellyfish monsters have a hole on the top cover that can spray water arrows.

Looking at it, the inside of the head of the goods was very untimely flashing a dish - sea bream.

When I think of this dish, I can't help but think of someone telling her that most of the body of the sea otter is water and needs complicated treatment to eat.

Of course, the edible jellyfish is only a small part of the jellyfish, and most jellyfish are still inedible.

When Yun Qian saw the beginning of the cloud, he seemed to think of something. He was busy asking: "What do you think of?"

At the beginning of the cloud, Shun mouth said: "This stuff should be delicious when it is cold."

Clouds and thousands: "..."

If it wasn't for her, she still had a little sense of reason. I really wanted to take the cloud to the lake and go to the lake. When is this, I still want to eat!

She was about to ridicule the beginning of the cloud, but saw a pair of small eyes in the beginning of the cloud suddenly released the light: "I seem to know why they gathered there to spray water!"

Yun Qian was too busy to ask: "Why?"

"Although the jellyfish monster can live in the sea, the salt concentration of this dead salt lake is much higher than the average sea water, and the jellyfish monster is different from other monsters. Most of the body is water, and it is inevitable that it will accumulate. A lot of salt.

So they need to drain the excess salt in the body on a regular basis, but they should need some foreign objects to achieve this effect.

And before they gathered, there were ninety-nine things that could help them discharge salt, so they would come together.

This also explains why the elders of the winds have not seen this scene before, because they will do this at intervals.

Of course, this is also a guess. It is not necessarily the case. ”

The beginning of the cloud was also suddenly remembered in the morning, and she complained that there was too much salt in the lake, and it was necessary to make it salty.

The cloud is a bit stunned: "Even if your guess is correct, what does this have to do with repelling them?"

(End of this chapter)

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