Chapter 7359 Stopping the ship

At the beginning of the cloud, the mysterious smile smiled: "Of course there is a relationship, the relationship is gone! You will be fine!"

When the two talked, the jellyfish monsters were already very close to them, and some even had extended their desire to overthrow the ship.

The faces of the survivors of the Feng family are full of horror, although they know that the death of the salt lake is very dangerous, but there are so many times when they come and go, and they have not encountered anything too dangerous. I did not expect that this time it was a big mold!

The wind three elders personally control the ship, has already raised the speed to the fastest, but unfortunately it does not help.

At this moment, everyone heard someone shouting clearly:

"Hey, I have a way for you to quickly eliminate the salt in your body. You don't have to work hard to drain there regularly. Do you want to know?"

The people of the Feng’s bereaved family listened. They only thought that Yun’s first words were talking nonsense, and what was messy. Is this scary or what? !

However, when they saw that the movements of the jellyfish monsters had apparently stagnated, they were a little more aggressive and eager to feed. Could it be that this cloud and thousands of yi really talked about their hearts?

"Wind three elders, you stop the boat, let me talk about them well." Yunchu said crisply.

The wind three elders almost didn't feel angry!


Stop and wait to be overturned by the jellyfish monsters?

However, he thought again, there are hundreds of miles from the shore, even if he does not stop, I am afraid that it will not take half a quarter of an hour, those jellyfish monsters can catch up.

In this case, it is better to gamble, in case this gimmick film really works!

He did not doubt that the cloud was uneasy and uneasy, after all, she was also on board.

Thinking of this, he bit the back molar and really stopped the boat.

Almost instantaneously, those jellyfish monsters surrounded the ship and wanted to escape. It was hard to climb the sky.

The eyes of the survivors of the Feng family fell to the beginning of the cloud, and the heart of the heart did not have to say more.

At the beginning of the cloud, she was still smiling, and she spread her hands:

"Do you see our sincerity? In fact, we just want to borrow the road to pass, and there is no conflict of interest with you.

Not so, I will tell you how to quickly discharge salt, you will let us go, how? ”

Those monsters and jellyfish sounded like dolphins, and it is estimated that they are negotiating.

Finally, the largest jellyfish monster swims to the front and then stretches out a whisker.

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao said: "Well, I will go with you, let me solve the problem for you, and then come over to pick up my partners."

You are all beacons who keep their promises, and believe that you will not hurt them.

Yes, remind you that they have too much impurities in their bodies, or they will not grow so ugly, so eating is definitely not good for you to practice, so you should not eat them as well. ”

Everyone: "..."

After the beginning of the cloud, let the elders of the wind three open a gap in the defensive array of the ship, hit the whiskers of the jellyfish monster, and then went to the top of the jellyfish.

Black Heart Nine pointed to the distance and said: "Let's go, first go to the place where you drained before."

Her tone and appearance are extremely natural, as if it were not a fierce monster, it was like her spiritual pet.

The people of the wind's bereaved family are all stunned. I don't know why, and there is a bit of hope in this heart. Maybe the cloud Qianyi really has a way to let them live here.

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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