Chapter 7430 Lead

The red hollow hole in the eye reveals the hot light of the financial fans:

"What are you talking about? Didn't lie to me? One million you said is a spar? Isn't it a mess?"

"Of course it is spar, I will never lie to you this time."

The red cockroaches licked the two hand bones and the jaws twitched for a while. This said: "Okay, I will believe you once, you ask!"

“Where is the wind's bereaved trapped?” The cloud went straight to the subject.

The red dragonfly is somewhat embarrassed and said: "This is really hard for me. My avatar was also trapped inside. Where do I know where the ghost place is?!

Besides, the Qiankun Grottoes have not been opened, and my avatars have no chance to show up, but there is no way to tell the difference. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, the frowns frowned: "When the Feng's bereaved family opened the Qiankun Grottoes, they must have left the place where the Feng's bereaved were trapped. Isn't this enough for your avatar to judge the position?"

Red licked the jaw and said: "You said it was easy. When the Qiankun Grotto was opened, you wouldn’t know how many miles after you squatted. How can you have time to observe the surrounding environment?!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed coldly: "Since you don't know, you don't know that one million Lingshi!"

The red cockroach suddenly rushed, and the bones of his hands kept scratching his skull, and said in a hurry:

"You let me think about it, but it depends on you! You said that your good past life had to cut off my bones, and I lost a lot of memories, otherwise I might even fall into the winds of the bereaved family. The cause of that misery can be known."

At the beginning of the cloud, he sneered and didn't pay attention to it.

Red delusion, suddenly shot his own skull: "Don't say, my smart head is still useful, I think of a clue."

At the beginning of the cloud, my eyes blinked: "Talk about it!"

"I remember that when the ghost place rushed out, the surrounding area was white and the temperature was very low. Therefore, the place where the wind's bereaved family was trapped was definitely in a very cold place.

Anyway, there aren't a few such places in the two continents. Do you have to go there? ! Said the red dragonfly.

It’s a valuable clue that the cloud blinked at the beginning.

It’s true that the bones are fine, and there are only a few places where the climate of the two continents is extremely cold. If some of the clues are eliminated, there is a great chance to find the place where the survivors of the wind are.

When the cloud was in full swing, the red rushed and said: "I have provided such valuable clues, should you pay?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at it: "What are you worried about?! Say good price, I only asked a question."

Red 骷髅 said something impatiently: "Then you hurry to ask, hurry!"

"I haven't thought about what I want to ask for a while. I will ask you again when I think of it. Hey, this is the deposit paid to you. Am I enough?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said that he lost it to the red enamel... a spar.

Red 骷髅: "..."

It grips the bones of your hand and slams it. "You don't mean to say, when will you ask the questions, will you give me the remaining spar?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he made a snap: "Bone is fine, you have to say, you are getting smarter!"

The bones are straightforward... the air is scattered!

(End of this chapter)

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